Ch.3 Staying at the Phantomhive Manor

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Lillian's Pov

I woke up to someone shaking me. I started moving a bit, then felt hands on my face. I opened my eyes and saw that Ciel was the one touching my face.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake. I thought something happened to you! You weren't breathing. Is that normal?" he asked nervously. I just nodded my head. He seemed to calm down at my response. "We're here, That's why I was waking you." he told me.

Sebastian opened the door for us and helped us out. When I got out of the carriage, I was about to fall but was caught by Sebastian.

"M'lady are you alright?" he asked concerned.

"Yes, I'm alright." I tell him. Both Ciel and Sebastian look at me as if asking sure. I just looked down trying to avoid their looks. Ciel grabbed my hand, scaring the shit out of me. He led me to the manor. He stopped at the front door waiting for Sebastian to open it. When Sebastian opened the door, there were three people freaking out. When they noticed we were there, they stopped and put their heads down shame.

"We're sorry we made a mess young master! We were just trying to pick everything up." one of them said. He blonde hair and a cigarette in his mouth.

"It's fine just pick everything up." Ciel told them. "Come on Lillian, I'll show you to your room." he said still holding my hand as we walked up the stairs. As we walked up the stairs, I couldn't help but notice the portrait on the wall. It must have been his parents.

"Ciel?" I call to him. He turns to me.

"Yes, What is it?" he said.

"Is it alright if I just call you Ciel and if you don't mind me asking, are those your parents?" I asked. He stiffened, but the regained his posture.

"Yes, you may call me that. And yes, those are my parents." he said. I instantly felt bad for asking. I knew that his parents had died.

"I'm sorry for asking. I didn't meant to-" and he interrupted me.

"Lillian it's alright. I now you didn't mean to." he said. While we walked, we had an akward silence. Well it was akward to me. When we got to my room, he opened the door. I hadn't realized that Sebastian had been following us.

"Lady Lillian, if it's alright with you, I'll unpack your suit case and help you change into a night gown." Sebastian said politely.

"No I don't mind." I answered. Ciel had gone out the room while Sebastian put on a blind fold and changed me into a night gown. When he finished he unpack my suitcase and left to put Ciel to sleep. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. I tried to fall alseep, but I couldn't. Eventually, I started to just stare at the ceiling and ended up falling asleep. I k ewe I was gonna have that nightmare.


I was walking down a hallway When someone pulls me into a dark room. I start to panic and I'm about to scream. Suddenly I feel a hand at my mouth.

"Lillian I will marry you whether you want to or not. you belong to me." he whispered in my ear.

~outside of dream~

I wake up screaming, tears streaming down my face, my hands pulling my hair. I hear footsteps coming towards my door. The door burst open with Ciel and all the Phantomhive servants standing in front of it. Ciel runs over to me and grabs my hands. I just start swatting his hands, terrified.

"Sebastian come and help me with her!" he commands to his butler. Sebastian comes over to me and grabs my arms, trying to calm me down. When I finally stop squirming around, Sebastian let's me go, but I still have tears streaming down my face like a river flowing. Ciel comes up to me and hugs me.

"Shhhh, it's alright Lillian. I'm hear stop crying. Shhhhh calm down. You're OK. You're OK."he said trying to calm me. When I was calming down a bit, I hugged him back. "Your brother told me this might happen." he said. Everyone looked at me worried. I let go of Ciel and he released me from his embrace.

"I'm fine, I feel better now." I tell them, trying to calm their worries. As the servants let out a sigh of relief, they all start to leave, but look back before they each leave. As Ciel was about to leave, I grabbed his arm.

"Ciel can I sleep with you? I don't want to dream about him again." I say looking down trying to hide my blush. I hardly know him and hardly talk to him. And here I'm asking if I can sleep with him..I look at him through my bangs and see a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Uh, Sure I don't mind." he said looking away. he helped me get up and led me to his room. I can feel the akward tension between us and know that it's gonna very an akward morning tomorrow. When we arrived to his room, he led me to the bed letting me lay down first. After that he laid down right be side me.

"Lillian, if your nightmare comes again, tell me ok?" he told me. I just nodded. my head. He turned to lay on his side facing me. He closed his, but I knew he wasn't asleep yet. I tried closing my eyes, but images of that monster appeared. I whimpered and wrapped my arms around Ciel. He flinched at my actions, but hugged me back. Over time, my eyes kept closing shut on me, and I ended up falling asleep. And there was only one thing on my mind. There is something missing.


ok so I know this is my first time making a small authors note, but I just wanted to say that these are random dates. so they will not be the same as When I update. The dates on the chapters will be whenever I choose. This chapter is during May 27th 1888. That's all I wanted to say. Also I was wondering if you guys could tell people about this book. I'm gonna try to update Atleast 4 times a week. So if I don't, because I was busy or something happened. OK so That's all I wanted to say. Thank you for reading my book. Please leave votes and comments.

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