E1: A Perfect Day For Banana Fish

535 17 20

10 Years Ago
Location: Iraq

Blue. The sky was a bright and beautiful blue. Clouds floated across it, a nice white color and didn't cover a lot of the sky and the sun. Beneath the fluff flew a bald eagle as it let out a cry. On land, three different types of war vehicles were driven across the sand and ground dirt that held no sight of anything living civilization at all. Their weight making a rumbling sound on the earth as they made their way over bumps. Men stood at the ready by the guns a top their cars and there was three to four other men sitting in the car within view. They wore helmets and bullet proof vest over top their uniforms as they made their way across the scorching land as they passed by disregarded articles of similar uniforms from previous action. The screech of the eagle echoed across the empty land once again. After hours of driving, the men had made it to an abandoned and destroyed village by nightfall. A small fire was lit under the structure of a destroyed building. Six men sat close to it, all discarded of their protective gear and having a good time as they all looked to be in their late teens to early twenties. One of them though stood by against a concrete pillar as he looked out to the desserted world in front of him while singing a song, or what little he remembered of it, when suddenly a flash of light is seen in the distance. The man stops singing and speaks as he pulls out and lights a cigarette.

" Look, there goes the bombing again."

"It's been like this ever since the occupation. " His friend replied that was a black man with a buzz cut and small mustache that wasn't connected at the middle.

The man let's out a puff of smoke before speaking again, his light brown and short hair moving in the small breeze.

" Can't wait to get back to the States. "

" Did you hear about the drug? " one of the other men spoke, their teammate responding with the fire casting their shadows on the ground as the two conversed.

" Yeah, the one that killed Billy, right?"

" I heard he suffered pretty badly. "

" Poor guy, he didn't deserve that shit."

The light brunette haired man let out another puff of smoke as a thought came to him and he turned to his teammates.

" Hey, where's Griffin? "

As soon as that was said, a man appeared, causing them all to look at him.

" Damn it Griffin, don't scare me. " The brunette said to the strawberry blond.

" That was one long piss." Another said.

But blue eyes seemed to look beyond them, as if he couldn't hear them and was in a world of his own.

" 3 days and we're out of here. " spoke another as Griffin walked to the guns that leaned against the wall behind the group.

" Hey, what's wrong? " The brunette asked as he noticed Griffin's odd behavior .

" What are you gonna do after? " a man with black hair and glasses asked as Griffin picks up a Colt M4A1.

" Man, you know..." Someone responded as Griffin loads the Assult Rifle.

The brunette man gasps in realization as the cigarette drops from his mouth and Griffin begins to release rapid fire on his teammates. He quickly kills one as the others run off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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