Escape and retreat

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It's been a while...GCSE's and shit


Nagito hasn't shown up to school for a week..
I hated to admit that I was worried but this undeniable lump in my throat made me come to terms that;
I was so worried


"Man, for kazuichi to transfer right before tests-he was my saviour for homework!~~" I overheard a couple of boys scratch on their pieces of paper viciously hoping for the answers to come to their brain.
The school was more quiet since Kazuichi left, well whoever he was. The boring beige colouring of the wall became more prominent and the dragging, full voice of the professor seemed to elongate the lesson even more. I was confused, who was I missing? I admitted I loved nagito but now he's ghosting me like I'm some little girl on snapchat. Bastard.

Whilst everyone was yelling at the top of their voices, I heard the door hesitantly open in a suspicious manner. The headmaster threaded along to the front of the class in a stern act and with a hush of silence; he spoke:

"I would like to sadly announce the death of a beloved classmate; who tragically passed away in a devastating suicide. We ask that anyone with information as to why they may have killed themselves please come to my will be missed Nagito Komaeda..."

My heart stopped beating and the saliva in my throat retracted in a moment of shock; dead? Suicide? Nagito?
"You're joking....!" I banged my hands against the table in a fit of anger, causing some students to flinch in surprise.
"I was just speaking to him the other week! He seemed more then happy!" I spat in disgust. My mind erratic from the fear that what the headmaster was saying was in fact;true.

"M-Mr Hinata..Nagito Komaeda's body puts his time of death around 2 and a half weeks ago..I'm sorry but with the holidays we all failed to check up on our students..we are failures"
I didn't see a reason to retort, he was obviously wrong. Nagito was very much alive and I knew it. I just had to find him. But where??

His house

I never ran as fast in my life, but the fear of Nagito being dead put me way higher then any track students; I'm just full of talents yno?
I noticed the once eerie and gothic tall building that was held by the Komaeda's now was crumbled into pathetic ashes. My heart hammering out of my chest, I noticed the door only stood ajar from the rubble. "Nagito...NAGITO..!" I squeaked like a little girl. But fuck it, something is wrong.


"Let me see him!" The hissing voice of a male boomed within the future foundations walls. A now bound Nagito stood chained in a pathetic state. His once curly and free hair became snapped and dirty as though snow had been ruined by the tires of a vehicle. His porcelain skin broken into cuts with wine red blood trickling down into the corners of his dry lips.
"Let me say goodbye at least! You bastards!" He roared even more angrier, as though the beatings were nothing compared to not seeing someone he loved.
"You didn't follow the'll now watch Hajime get tortured to're next.."


I spun around, almost falling from the uneven rubble. "Who are you?" I glinted with an anger seething.
"I'm sorry you was brought into this. I guess you don't remember Chiaki?" The soft voice mumbled
"Chiaki? Who's that? Where's Komaeda?!" I screamed.
"He's being punished for not killing you...I've been programmed to bring you to him" the girl held out a hand in an attempt to befriend me. I was having it however, and took a step back.
"Killing me? Don't punish him over it!"

"It must be done one way or another..Hinata. If you go to sleep you will see Nagito in your dreams. Quick, go before they notice something"

"Wha-" I stunned.

"Go to sleep..Quick..."

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