Atone for his sins

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It's coming to an ending guyssssss slowly but surelyyyyy


"Sleep? Why should I go to sleep? Who are you? Where's Komaeda!" My voice began to crack under the unbearable dryness it was
"You can save him. You can stop them" the young girl squeaked and puffed her cheeks a little, obviously getting a little aggravated at the conversation.
None of it makes sense! How am I supposed just be able to sleep my way to Nagito?! In dreamland?!
"I can't say why..but you'll benefit from it...I think.." the figure slowly began to dissolve like pollen in the wind-Gone.



"Please let me see him!" Nagito whined and begged for one last glimpse at the boy. The shackles on his wrist slowly engraved their pattern on his pure wrists as though he had been captive for years on end. He knew what he had to do; kill him. Him.
"You've been given enough warnings Nagito Komaeda, you failed in every single task given and now you beg for redemption?!" the voice continued. "Heed my warnings because this is the last time you get to see that boy. Now sleep, tomorrow will be the last day you breathe" and with that, the man's shoes bounced off the floor and with a thud the door was closed.

"How am I supposed to sleep in this situation?" Thought Nagito.
The temperature dropped to a dangerous level and the hairs on his body begun to stand on end as though he was trying to conserve any energy just to survive.

Time began to tick away like nothing and soon Nagito found himself slowly dropping to sleep. He had fought the sand man for 5 hours now and it was seriously becoming a losing battle.
He closed his eyes once more
And he was asleep in seconds


That person, whoever it was, kept playing over in my head. I was unsure on what to do. Do I believe in some random chick? Was I just hallucinating? Urgh. My head had been a mess since this whole thing started. No, since I met Komaeda..
I felt my eyes drift from the exhaustion but tried to fight it. I couldn't be sleeping now.

Was Nagito really dead..? Did he kill himself?
I felt a lump form in my throat and the prickling of tears threatening to come out, I finally let them out. A light sobbing escaped from my mouth but I quickly clasped my hand over it. Afraid someone will hear me, I sunk my head into my pillow in a pathetic attempt to regain my composure. "Fuck.." I hissed to myself for being so sappy. "I'm too young to be dealing with this shit.."

I rubbed my eyes and checked the alarm clock "3:39AM" I whispered. I had spent hours fighting sleep, replaying every scenario that Nagito was either imprisoned, tortured or dead.
Who is Nagito anyway? I so easily claim I love him yet I don't even know his birthday. Or where he grew up, or..
"Go to sleep...quick..."
that voice replayed in my head over and over. I feel like I remember that it meant something to me. I pulled at my hair in frustration and allowed my body to drop onto my cheap bed. I tried to find some form of entertainment in the pitch black ceiling but soon found my eyes shutting as though my body was malfunctioning.


My eyes darted around, a small room barely big enough to fit myself in with a singular door that seemed heavy to open . Where was I? I felt a shiver roll down my spine as though telling me that something wasn't right. I turned my back to carry on the inspection, the room had padding in as though it was for a mentally unstable patient.
"Is this what she meant by sleep...?"

Suddenly, the door opened as though it was as light as a feather. I quickly turned and felt the pit of my stomach flip.

I can't say that I didn't notice him.

His pure white hair to match his pale complexion. His slight smile that could be taken as a smirk. His slender fingers that wandered over to the back of his head when he spoke. His green eyes that trapped my gaze whenever he looked at me and smiled. He would come closer to me, lean in and whisper in my ear. Causing a flinch to run down my spine.
He only spoke one word and that was enough.

Everything felt better seeing him, I couldn't hold back the stinging feeling in my eyes. Am I hallucinating? Is Nagito real?
"Why are you here?!" Nagito hissed in a hushed voice.
" just sleeping and I woke up here.." I stuttered pathetically.
"You can't be here Hinata.." he mumbled sadly. Did he miss me as much as I missed him?
Without warning, I felt a warm feeling envelop me. I opened my eyes to see Nagito embracing me. He's real.
I pushed him away and quickly saw the bruised cheeks that turned a mellow pink when I touched them. Despite their colour, he was so, so cold. He smiled softly, telling me he was okay.
"W-who did this..?" I began to tremble a little.
"I..fell" he lied. He's never been good at lying.
Nagito clasped my hands and seemed to squeeze them tightly until I swear I lost feeling in them. His icy hands made me shudder a little.
"Listen! I know you got roped into this mess. My mess. But I'm going to fix this. I promise!" Nagito became erratic and I watched his eyes darken a little in despair.
I cupped his cheek for the second time, hoping to send my calm demeanour to him.
"It's fine, you idiot..just don't leave again..I thought you killed your self.." I mumbled, smiling like an idiot.
I never wanted to wake up.


I couldn't tell him I was hours away from death, not how. He seemed so happy.
I was about to say something when all of a sudden I heard a clinking of footsteps cause me to shake uncontrollably.
"You need to go...! NOW" I boomed at Hajime. "Please!" I pleaded.
"I'm begging you, go!"
But it seemed to be too late and with that the door swung open and I felt immense pressure on my body began to lighten.

I'm fine with dying..but I'm not dragging Hinata down with me. Perhaps Hinata thought he was going to die now.

I couldn't tell him he was just in a nightmare I created to meet him one last time.
He won't die. He'll just wake up.

But I will die.

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