Escaping The Post Traumatic Cell

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Trapped, by a location and time.

The line, these chains, 

strap me down to,




the shame,

of the pain,

that haunts my brain.

My eyes will no longer spill tears of 

joyfully expressed, repressed angst.

Though my spirit may seem to weep and fall lame,

this will not slow my toes of the path of success and fame.

A strong heart with beat, and, the blood charges through, and,

the serotonin soothes, and, your feet begin to move.

Tap dancing to a steady beat, gives the mind a treat,

and your soul may take a steady, role.

Rooted, as a tree, they may rustle your leaves,

but, your branches swing, 

swing back to that smooth center,



Perceive none of this as your fault.

Every day is truly a gift. 

Answers to a silent wish.

Yet, still, subconsciously we beg. 

Tails between our legs.

Hear God's response and smile. 

Relax - and take a while.

No moment is better than the present to 

brighten the world with your style.

When she blows, and your tips begin to shiver,

thank her, for all she has delivered.

You wonder why you cry, and how they all can smile.

But their grin may be masking, the pain from a long while.

You wonder why they insult, and elated they move on,

leaving you restless,for a different kind of day to come.

For some, those negative vibrations, digging around inside,

may start the ignition and take you for a ride. 

By all means, ride along, just hum a happy song,

and no one, not one, can make you less strong.

Don't let anyone get you down. 

Consciously remove every frown.

Approve of life's ups and all the sounds,

and never let them pull you from your calm place on our ground.

The actions you take today will ultimately impact tomorrow.

Procrastination may promise different but you 

will take the aches with sorrow. 

Happiness resides not in others but inside.

Your hands work hard, thoughts spin, 

jagged shards attack your brain, but it's all the same.

The melody in your soul can heal the pain. 

Now is the time to change the game.

Realize, sometimes there is no need to make amends.

Stand strong and let your soul dance around 

to the exuberant sounds of, 



Do not take it back.

The race, may only be about to begin, but,

you know there is no need to win.

It's that center, that strong hold.

It moves with you as you grow old.

Your very own personal mold.

It is YOU.

It is, GOOD!

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