Chapter six

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Y/N: I shut the door to my closet room. And hide under my bed. "YOU PIECE OF SH*T COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" The skeleton called Red shouts and bangs on the door as I giggle. "I'm never coming out of the closet!" I shout and flop on my matress because we coudnt fit a bed in here. "YOU LITTLE A$$HOLE!" Red yells and leaves me alone. I burst into laughter which eventually dies. Gosh I just realized I need to be here until Nighty comes. Well crap this is gonna be a long day. I take out a book from a pile on my floor and start reading it. I heard that the book is good, its to kill mockingbird, a classis I suppose.

-this book contains a lot of temskips-

I wake up because someone called for me. I suppose I fell asleep, must 'ave been a boring book. I start to think of who called me and what they said until someone knock on my door and says, "Senpa- I mean Nightmare is home!" "COMING!" I shout and jump up from the bed and open the door quickly running past a chuckling Cross and downstairs. "Oh god no" Nighty says as he sees me running towards him knowing what will happen next.

I tackle hug him and he almost falls down. "You know I was only gone for a couple of hours, right?" Nighty says while he hugs me back and pats my back. "BUT I MISSED YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONNA- GONNA!" I say while crying a little. "Dont cry because I dont know what to do if you will" Nighty says and lets go of me. I laugh and wipe my tears. "Yeah sorry" I say. "Nah its ok, I wont leave you, ok?" Nighty says smiling at me. "Ok!" I say and continue, "theres corn soup in the fridge I made some with Fresh, now that I think about it where is he?" "He said, 'If ya need the help of your rad NeigBROhood cool kid then ask and your homey slice O' cheese will be here anytime' and left" Dust says while playing with his phone.

"I'll eat it after a meeting i'm having, oh and the people will have to meet you too because your my sister" Nighty says formally. I look at him with exitment. "Cool! I wanna meet new people!" I shout. And Nighty says, "Heh come with me" I follow him skipping instead of walking.

Nightmare: I'm afraid the others in the meeting wont like Y/N that much because of her personality, but its none of their business. Y/N is my sister after all and i'll make sure that nothing bad happens to her, thats mostly why we have the meeting, altho its about something else, that will affect her life if she finds out. Oh I just realized, "Y/N you need to change your clothes" I say and look at the skipping Y/N who stops dead on her track, twists her neck towards me and says, "Oh hall no" "Good thing you didn't swear" I say and continue, "But you need to change youre clothes, those are too... dirty"

Then I grab her hand and teleport to the door of her room. "Theres the plastic bag full of clothes that we found just pick some decent ones" I say and let her walk inside the room and wait for her to change.

Y/N: So he thinks my clothes are dirty, huh?! I've never seen him wear one clothes in that form! I look for the plastic bag and take the clothes out of it. "Duck" I say as I look at the pile of clothes. They're all a bit too big for me or too pretty. I sigh and choose a oversized s/f/c hoodie, a s/f/c t-shirt, a f/c skirt and f/c and s/f/c striped knee socks. I put the other clothes back in the plastic bag. Then I walk out of the room. "Those look good on you" Nighty says.

"Thanks!" I say and smile at him. He chuckles and takes my hand then we teleport in front of the throne room. "My favorite room!" I say and giggle. He looks at me and then opens the door.

730 words its a little short, but i dont give a damn because I writw what I write. Anyways youre all amazing and I love all of you

-dont hurt yourself <3

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