The Alleged Boyfriend

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A/n the last chapter was so long. Don't expect many more of that length. It was fun to write, but it probably wasn't fun to read. These chapters also get written at 1am so... anyway, on to the next part!

Another author note: okay so that top bit was written a while ago and I'm finally back sorry. I just reread the last chapter and I don't want to sound full of myself but I loved every second of it. It was kinda like reading someone else's work. It's weird what time can do to a story, and the people reading it, especially the author. Okay, so now I'm going into this with a stupid idea and literally nothing else but the fact that it's currently 2:20 am. Let's do this!

When the two Fords woke up the next morning, the grabbed their glasses and decided to get breakfast. They just wanted to push the thoughts from last night away. They both knew it would be a matter of time before word about their relationship spread. And it was only November. Of their first year. This is going to be tough.

They went out to a little breakfast place nearby, and talked about anything that came to mind first. Unfortunately, the first thing that came to mind was Rick and who he really was. "So, how exactly do the two of you know each other?" Stanford was genuinely curious.

"We, uhh," Fiddleford hesitated, "We kinda just met at a science fair in high school. He said they were stupid, and he was saying 'everyone in his class was forced to' and how he was 'obviously the smartest so of course the stupid teachers would send him further.' He's always been egotistical."

"Oh," Ford wasn't sure what he was expecting, but it wasn't that.

"Well I don't go to bars and he doesn't exactly like being anywhere that's not a party and/or serving alcohol, so there really aren't many ways we could have met. I'm just surprised he actually hung around for a while."

"I guess that makes sense."

"Oh lord, speak of the devil." Fiddleford sighs when he sees who walks through the door next. "Of course it's him."

"Hey Fidds! I didn't expect to see you two days in a row," Rick calmly yet happily greeted.

"Why are you here?"

"To get breakfast, duh."

"I meant, why are you still in town? I thought you were going to see your alleged boyfriend in New Jersey."

"I did. He came here for a while. I'm picking up breakfast for the two of us. And he isn't alleged. He's a legitimate guy."

"I hardly believe that."

"How about a double date tonight? I'll bring him, you bring Ford. I bet they'll get along, they even kinda look alike."

"Sure, I'd love to prove you wrong."

"Sounds good. Tonight at 8 sharp and the diner downtown."

"It's a date."

With that, Rick picked up the boxes of food and headed back to his car.

"Shouldn't we have discussed that before you agreed?" Ford asked.

"What, did you have other plans?" Fiddleford mocked.

"Very funny." Ford gave Fidds a glare, but soon laughed, as he couldn't really be serious with Fiddleford anymore.

Later that night, Fiddleford and Stanford got ready for their double date (sorry for the time skip, I just can not wait for what happens next). They dress up, but nothing too fancy, knowing what Rick would most likely be wearing. They were ready and they soon headed out to the diner. When they got there, they were the first to arrive. They sat down and waited for the other duo to show. When they finally did, Rick came in first, without his date. "Ha! I was right!" Fiddleford laughed.

"No you aren't, he's just parking the car." Just after Rick said that, a new man walked into the diner. "Guys, this is Lee."

Ford was in complete shock. He only managed to say two words, and they were: "Wait- Stanley!?" 

As soon as they saw each other, it clicked. They knew they couldn't stay there, they couldn't talk to one another after what happened, but they couldn't leave, they promised their boyfriends they'd do this. They stood in complete shock, no one saying anything, until finally Fiddleford spoke up, "Ford, I know you don't want to hear this, but you need to just make up with your brother. What already happened can't be changed, no matter how much you wish that wasn't true. But hey, If things had gone right, you would have never met me, and I like to think you need me." Fidds whispered the last couple parts, but he knew Ford could still hear him.

"Yeah, okay. Stanley, I'm sorry, I truly am. For everything. Wanting to get away from our family, for trying way too hard, for yelling at you, all those times, for getting you kicked out, and for staying mad at you for so long. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I'm just asking that you remember I tried to set things right. And yes, I know a simple apology does absolutely nothing, but it's all I know how to do at this point. We aren't kids. I can't just buy you the toy I tore apart for 'research,' or make a stupid card telling you I feel bad. I have no idea how to make things better between us, or if I even can, but I'd like to try."

Stanley wasn't sure what to do. He had never hear his brother get so emotional, or even seen him admit that he didn't know what he was doing. "No, Sixer, I should be the one apologizing, I was the one that cost you your dream school, I was the one that screwed up your science fair project, I was the one that tried to hide it, and I was the one that tried to keep you from what you wanted, just because I wanted something else."

There was a silence. No one knew exactly what to do. This was the most emotional anyone had ever seen these two (except for Fiddleford. He has seen Ford emotional plenty of times). There was only one thing that should be done, and Rick was the one to point it out. "Just hug and forgive each other, you dorks." Of course, that was the only reasonable things to do at this moment. Stanley practically tackled his brother and gave him what one might consider 'a deadly hug.' Stanford immediately hugged him back, and it suddenly felt like everything was suddenly ok. Like everyone was just... happy. Finally, the twins were happy with one another again. All was pretty much forgiven and forgotten, seeing as how if none of that happened, neither of them would have met either Rick nor Fiddleford, so they figured it was a pretty acceptable trade off. They were finally forgiven, and it didn't matter who did worse, because they agreed, both of them messed up royally.

A/n: ayy! It's approaching 3:30am of the same day, and i was gonna stop this story when Stanford went 'wait- Stanley?' But then i was like no, i want to write some feels, even if they aren't super feel-y. It's weird to think that I can write considering how i talk when not in story mode. Anyway, I have sooooo many plans for soooo many stories. I wanna write some bubbline, some zadr, some of my own original stuff, and probs more, but it's all probs gona be gay as hecc. I friccin live for that stuff. Anyway, enjoy, and I'm getting bored with this so I may just end it and start something new. Let me know what you want to see! If I like it, I might just write it.

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