Chapter 1

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Our story doesn't start in a castle, or a tiny hut in the woods, it starts in london, 5 years after Harry Potter attend Hogwarts, in the Ministry of Magic, I'm sitting in the center of the room, there are Employers of the Ministry sitting to watch my trial for leaving Azkaban Prison, that's a different story, the minister had just finished another trial about a Hogwarts Student.

            “Merlin Campious, age 19...clearly this needs to be updated.” The minister said

            “No, that's right sir, I am 19 years old, forever 19 sir.” I explained to him that a witch placed an aging curse more advanced than anything ever, so I was 19, but I looked to be 25.

            “Yes...well then…” he continued reading “The last Dragon Lord, claimed to be the greatest Wizard of all time besides Albus Dumbledore, claimed to be able to perform magic without the use of a wand.  Do you know why you are here today Merlin?”

            “Well minister, I'd assume because I have been a good prisoner and I get the rest of my life off?” The board didn't find that funny.

            “The only reason you are here is because someone from Camelot has asked for your return.”

            “And?” I asked impatiently.

            “Well Merlin the choice is yours, you've served your time in Azkaban, and you can live a new life, or go back to Camelot.  Which would you prefer?”

            “To be honest Minister, I'd much rather prefer to go back to Camelot, after hearing that Voldemort has returned-” I was interrupted by the gasps and quiet mutter after saying his name. “Did I say something wrong?”

            “Mr. Campious,” replied one of the people in the jury. “We here at the ministry are very striked against people spreading rumors about certain wizards coming back from the dead.”

            “So in other words, you don't believe the truth.”

The minister wasn't happy with what I said “Mr. Campious, answer the question without the lie in it.”

            “What part? The I want to go back, or that Voldemort is alive?”

At this point the minister stood from his seat in anger “MR. CAMPIOUS ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTION!! WITHOUT THE LIE OF HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED RETURNING!”

            “Ok ok, bloody hell, I'll go back to Camelot.”

            “Thank you, now how will you be returning?”

            “I'll apparate there.”


            “Impossible, no witch or wizard can apparate through time.”

I got up from my seat “Minister, we are beings of magic,” my dark teal coat with a ravenclaw symbol on the left shoulder appeared out of nowhere, along with a suitcase of all my books, notes, potions,a magical map of Camelot, a mirror that allows me to see through any other mirror anyone owns also see glimpses into the future, and a necklace with a symbol I made for Merlin back in Hogwarts. “nothing is impossible.”  and like that I vanished to Camelot leaving a note to the Minister that read “Trust me, he's back.”

I had arrived back at Camelot, in my old cottage in the woods, the roof was made out of hay, wooden walls, book shelves, an old table with broken plates, a stool, and a birdhouse with a brown owl, hooting at me.  “Archimedes, still an annoying old hoot aren't you?”

            “And you haven't aged a bit.” Said a voice, it was female, irish, and sounded familiar.

            “Morgan La Fèy, my old friend  and enemy.” She wore a dark green dress, the skirt had a separation in the middle I show her leg, and her wand, her hair was light black, and her eyes were purple.  “I take it you were the one who sent the message to the ministry.”

            “I am, took me a while to get the spell right, and to get Archimedes to send it.”

            “But nonetheless I'm here now, so why did you want me back?”

            “It's not just her that wants you back.” That voice was more male, strong voice, the voice of a leader, I turned around and to my surprise.

            “Lancelot. Good to see you again.” He wore knight armor, with the Camelot sword crest on his arm, dark yellow clothes, raven hair and beard, and blue eyes.  “Are the other knights here?” I asked him, he then looked sad.

            “Dead, all the knights of the round table died, except for me.”

            “Bloody hell, who could have done this?” I asked “Why did you call me back? What is happening in Camelot?”

Morgan decided to tell me what's going on “It's about Arthur, he's not himself.”

            “What do you mean by that?” I asked

            “She means that Arthur has turned dark.”  Lancelot answered “The King. hasn't been himself for months now, and we need your help to find out why he's like this.”

            “Months? Hasn't anyone done anything?”

Lancelot continued answer “The knight's tried, but they died by the blade of  Excalibur, the king executed them for treason as they were in the throne room.  He keeps their helmets hung up as a warning to those who try to stand against him.”

            “What about Gaius? He's the physician of Camelot, he would have seen something wrong and treated it.” There was a silence in the house, then Morgan spoke.

            “Merlin, Gaius is dead, he died days after you left… I'm sorry.”

I sat down in shock, Gaius was my old friend, taught me the history of old magic and he was the first to find out that Morgan was a witch, he was like a second father to me.  “If I had never left, I could have...I...I could have-”

            “Done nothing, he was an old man Merlin, I miss him too, but it's time to move on.”

A horn sound from the distance broke the sadness “What's that?” I asked.

            “Gathering horn,” Lancelot answered “The king is gathering the people for something.”

            “You should go Lancelot, we'll meet you there.” Lancelot got on his horse and road back to the castle, I stood up ready to go there as well, I knew that Camelot needed me, so I looked at Morgan, and we apparated to the castle to join the people gathering.

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