Chapter 9

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Now, mind you that, I only stopped Arthur from being cursed, I didn't stop the sword, Arthur looked like he had just woken up from a deep sleep.

    “What...Where...Merlin?” He said as he was trying to process what was going on.

    “Yes Arthur, I’m here.” I said to him as I lend out my hand and helped him up.

    “What’s going on here?” He asked as he looked around the room, then he saw Lancelot on the ground with Guinevere crying over his body. “No, Lancelot!” he ran towards him, he looked at Guinea a tried to get an answer out of her, but she wouldn’t talk.  The battle that took place in the throne room calmed down and ended, I went over to the Tameras to question them, Morgan had tied them down.

    “How did you know where to find us at the mountain?” I asked them very violently, they didn’t answer. “Answer me damn it! How did you find us?” They still didn’t answer, and they didn’t have to, because someone else answered for them.

    “Isn’t it obvious Merlin? I hired them to hunt us down, make it look like Arthur sent them to capture or kill us, gave them the resurrection coin, all to mess with your head, and get close to Excalibur.” Morgan said.  She picked up the sword, and purple flames ignited around it, she looked over at Arthur, Guinea, and I in a I tricked you way.

    “We made the Unbreakable Vow, Morgan, you agreed to-”


    “I agreed to never doublecross, or kill you until Arthur was free from Excalibur’s power, and that I did, now I have the power and all of you, are now dead.” She pointed the sword towards Arthur “Starting with you brother.” I ran towards Arthur and Guinea and cast the shield spell as she cast the killing curse.

“Avada Kedavra!” “Protego.” We both said at the same time, the cure bounced off of the shield then she cast Flipendo and sent us flying backwards, through the castle wall and on the training grounds, as we landed the shield spell broke, I managed to get up and helped Arthur and Guinea up.

“You two need to go, now!” I said.

“No, I will not abandon you Merlin.” Arthur said as he tried to be a brave king.

“I know you’re trying to be brave Arthur, but now’s not a good time.”  I snapped my fingers and they apperated to a village far away form the castle.  Morgan didn’t like that, she impaled the ground with Excalibur and used the Koúnimagis spell causing the whole ground to shake, she nearly knocked me off balance but I stood my ground, and prepared for an intense battle.

“Expelliarmus.” I said, but she quickly blocked the spell and cast one of her own.

“Periculum.” red sparks shot out of Excalibur and blinded me temporarily, once my eyes were back into focus I could see that Morgan was right there in front of me, she placed her hand on my chest and sent me flying backwards causing me to hit the weapon stands.  “You know something Merlin,” Morgan started to speak. “I was a little shocked to find out that Exupís wasn't there in that cave, and I did mean what I said in that room with all the ghosts, but now that I hold the most powerful sword in my hands, I honestly have to thank you.”

“If you're going to monologue Morgan, make it quick.” I said for I was really tired of her bragging.  I apperated to behind her hoping to surprise her, but she struck me with Crucio causing me to bend over, then she kicked my face so I could stand up right, then cast Ventus, a small wind spell but just enough to send me flying a foot away from her. She walked slowly towards me, and was about to stab me where I laid, but then a voice appeared, a voice I thought I'd never hear again.

“Crucio!” It was Madam Mim, Morgan turned around after being struck by the spell, she started to walk towards Mim, they walked around in a circle keeping an eye on eachother.

“I thought you were different.” Morgan said. “I thought you were a dark witch.”

“I am a dark witch.” Mim responded. “I'm a very good dark witch, I'm one of the best, the only reason I continue to help him is simple deary...I don't like you.”

“Then we finally have something in common. Avis.” Birds came out from Excalibur's tip and flew straight towards Mim, she held her wand in a blocking way, she turned herself into a Chimera and spat fire from her mouth and burned the birds in mid-air, then let out a mighty roar then transfigured into a Erumpent, a rhinoceros like creature with a massive horn on their head and a fire flesh touch to it, she charged towards Morgan, but then Morgan lifted her hand and slammed it in a down motion very quickly causing Mim to fall head first to the ground.  Morgan was ready to cut Mim's animal head off, but then Mim transfigured into a Fairy and quickly flew away, when Morgan finally noticed, she flicked her away and Mim would have died by the landing if she didn't turn back into a human.

“Enough tricks witch.” Morgan said, I tried to cast a spell at Morgan to distract her from Mim, but I was to late.

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