God and the Dog

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God hated Christmas. Usually, he locked himself away from all human contact while the rest of the "Christian" world would celebrate the brat's birthday. It wasn't even the right day, God would remark to himself. The world celebrated late by one month and five days.

God sat in his large home, currently hidden from human eyes, and he read. It had been just another year, that of 1598, for God. Nothing truly significant seemed to have happened over the last century, God thought as he mused over approach of the last year of the century.

God had grown weary of people getting so interested in him so late in the game. All the other deities seemed to be disappearing, but not God. He just wanted to be left alone. He found that through the century he had been keeping himself busier and busier with scrolls and books and not really venturing out as much as he used to enjoy.

He pulled from the basement library a scroll. He had read it before, but it was one that he really enjoyed, and he had been meaning to look over again. No one wrote scrolls like the people of Atlantis, God thought sadly. It really had been a pity that the whole island had been sunk. God really believed that it was all just a bit over the top, even for Poseidon.

God shook his head as he looked at the scroll in his hands. Tea. He wanted tea.

The people of Atlantis loved to eat dolphin meat. It was a dolphin that eventually became the doom of the island. When Poseidon came to the Earth with all the other deities, he found that he really found more of an interest with the aquatic mammals than those descending from the apes. So, he took the form of a whale and took to the seas. He quickly became a god of the water known by all the creatures of the deep.

God smiled at the last conversation he'd had with Poseidon before he became a whale. "I just don't see these humans ever doing much. They really seem stupid."

God had chuckled to himself over that one. "You and Lucifer. You both seem to think that these humans are worthless. Their's lot's of good they could do."

"But will they?" Poseidon asked.

Many of the deities liked Atlantis. It was the most advanced city in the world, and therefore had the best gambling and drinking to be found. Lucifer himself was celebrating with the people of Atlantis when Poseidon took his revenge on the people of the island.

Poseidon had been a lot like Lucifer in some respects. He truly absorbed the form he took with not just the facade but the passions and desires of the form as well. Poseidon was migrating when he met a dolphin that he fell in love with. He saw her from afar, and he changed form as to not frighten her. (Most dolphins were apt to flee in terror when a four hundred foot whale would come at them.)

They talked and played for hours. She was amazing, and Poseidon fell in love with her. It was nearly a year after they had been together when they decided to watch the "Festival of Lights" at Atlantis. What neither of them knew was that the "Festival of Lights" was best celebrated with roasted dolphin, according to the people of Atlantis. So wrapped up Poseidon was in the fireworks the Chinese had brought, that he missed a boat the took the life of his lover. He could feel her life pass into oblivion, he was so connected. When he saw her body with the others of the catch, he became blinded by anger. He shouted his anger to the water and the island. Atlantis sank into the water and was gone forever.

God wondered what had happened to Poseidon. They had been friends eons ago, but since the whole Atlantis affair, none of the deities ever heard or saw him again. God wondered if he was still in the sea, or if he left and was wondering the Earth.

God took the scroll to his favorite chair and began to read as he sipped the tea that had been nice enough to pop into existence when God wanted it.

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