Fixing God's Mistake (Warning: may be offensive to conservative minds)

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  God woke up.  He opened his eyes and yawned.  Sleep was addictive, he mused to himself as he rolled out of bed.  He looked at the woman lying in the bed, still asleep.  How is it that a supreme being like god could forget the name of the woman he had picked up the night before.  God smiled to himself, amused with himself.  

    “At least she’s pretty,” he consoled himself as he wrapped a robe around himself.  He went to the balcony and smiled as he looked over the great city of Rome stretched out below him.  The Roman empire was the greatest time to live, God thought to himself as he took a deep breath.  He could smell the city as it was rising for the day.  There was bread and food baking, bathes warming, and citizens visiting merchants.  It was another day in the life of the Roman world.  

    “You ready to do it?” Lucifer asked from behind God as he stepped into the room.  

    God turned around to see Lucifer dressed in silk robes and adornments from a place the Romans had yet to know existed.

    God shrugged.  “I suppose.”  God looked back into the bed and wished for just a little more time with the woman, but it was time to leave.  She was fun, and maybe he would seek her out again.

    In a blink, God was dressed in his toga and ready to do what he knew needed to be done.  It was time to crucify his son.

    God sighed as he walked with Lucifer.  “You know, you could just let him go and his popularity will probably just fizzle out,” Lucifer offered.

    God laughed.  “Have we become so weak?”

    Lucifer shrugged.  “You just seem a little ill at ease about this whole business.”

    “I’m just upset at my self for letting myself be so weak that I didn’t take care of this before when I first saw what kind of problem the boy was going to be.”

    Lucifer nodded, knowingly.  

    God thought back fondly to the woman with black hair and eyes of brilliant green fire that attracted him to the whole mess years ago.  He was walking through a market place. (“Was it Jerusalem?” God wondered to himself.) He glanced at a small carpenter’s tent where this beautiful woman took his eyes from his senses.  He tripped on a clay pot, but caught his mind back just before it the pot shattered on the ground.  He still made a bit of a noise, and the beautiful woman looked his way and smiled at him.  

    God smiled back and almost felt his lust explode with a desire he seldom felt towards the natural inhabitants of the world.  He sauntered over in her direction and quickly deduced that she worked for the older man who was selling small pieces of household furniture.  God feigned interest in the work of the old man as he tried to get a feel for the young woman.

    “May I help you?” she asked.

    God smiled to her confidently.  It was a smile that did more than just show that he was friendly.  It was a smiled that reached deeply into her mind and made her lust for him.  

    “Would you like to meet me somewhere after dark?” she asked, nearly breathless.  

    God could see her heart beating nervously and heavily for him.  She wanted him, and it was an ache in her that would not be satiated until she had God.  

    God was satisfied.  He told her to meet him in a tent that he had outside the city, and he left her to want him to just return to be near her.

    God shook his head.  How much he regretted how hard he tried to get her back to his tent.  He sighed with regret as he moved.

    The two deities stopped just outside a prison cell.  The guards were blinded from the presence of the divinities.  “You want me to go in with you?” Lucifer offered.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2011 ⏰

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