II: An Unfamiliar Territory

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" Well, Karasuno, I've got high hopes for you. Don't fail me now."

I looked around, scanning the new sight of my now new school. I had been mentally preparing myself for panic attacks and such, but surprisingly, I am handling this better than I thought I would. After quite a lot of steps, I reached the main gate.

"I did say that I'd be handling this pretty well, but now that I dont have Sho-Nii to accompany a small girl like me in a pretty big, let alone unfamiliar environment, It would be a tough battle just looking for my designated classroom.

I sighed. I rub the behind of my neck, trying to lesten the stress I had in me overwhelming. All I had to do was look for Class 1-5 and continue the rest of day. Not so bad, is it? 

Man up Aiko! better opportunity is waiting ahead of you! or atleast, better than where you ended up last time. Clearly not working or affecting me.

"Speaking of Sho-Nii, wasn't he boasting the other day of how he had my back and how he was so cool? geez, just where could have he gone to?" 

I decided to look around sweeping away the second thoughts in my head, and focused mainly on the nice pavement as I walked and walked. I eventually reached a spot where I've grown quite a liking to, fresh air, clean surroundings and especially no other human being. Just me. 
Realizing that I had no time left for fresh air, I scurried inside the school building hoping to find my classroom before the bell rings. 

"Class 1-5...Class 1-5.." I looked up, begging the Gods that it was the classroom 1-5. "Class 3-2?!" Damn was I nowhere near where I intended to go. I was in the third years' corridors!

Where had my sense of directions gone to when I needed them? Just my luck.


After classes, Afternoon Volleyball training

"For real now? It's been almost 15 minutes and Hinata hasn't come to practice yet?! "

Coach Ukai's roars echoing through the whole gym, possibly through the whole school. "That shrimp." Kageyama whispered to himself, smashing the ball to the gym floor.

Seeing Kageyama in a not so well state, he approached him. "Calm yourself, Kageyama. I'm sure Hinata has his reasons. Why don't you cool your head for a bit while we take over for a bit?" The usual attitude, acting like a mother to her baby crows. He always gets on the guys' heads and snaps them out of their fury, a reliable teammate indeed.

Sugawara, along with Daichi and Tanaka, since they didn't have enough members, were at the other side of the court against Nishinoya, and Asahi alongside Ennoshita.

Kageyama on the other hand, wasn't very amused of how the training was, "How would he win against strong teams if he can't even show up on time." Crushing the water bottle he had in his hand, boy was he mad. Creating a mad atmosphere around him

"Everyyoonnnee!! Sorry I'm late!"

There showed up a sweaty ginger-head in uniform all set to practice, Hinata had come. Quite late, that is. The team gather at the gym's entrance, Hinata eyes' Kageyama glaring at him with death stares, just then he knew he was in deep trouble.

"You Littl--"

- Kageyama's insulting words didn't continue any further when he realized that Hinata hadn't come alone. Instead, he had another person behind him, also ginger-headed, but quite shorter compared to him. "Hmm? You're Late." Daichi said, headlocking hinata and fisting his head, clearly not ammused of his tardiness.
"Who's this person you brought with you Hinata?" Sugawara asked as he saw the ginger-headed shortie hiding behind the kid. "Ah yes! Everyone, meet my wonderful cousin Aiko! I showed her around Karasuno because this is this is her first day here! That was why I was late, hehe~" Hinata explained, moving aside to show everyone his proudly-introduced cousin.

"H-Hello! G-goodafternoon, I-i'm Hinata, A-aiko. It's a p-pleasure to meet you all." - gingerly greeted by a tangerine-haired girl, bowing 45 degrees toward the team.

Two boys came dashing towards the newly-introduced cousin, running faster than light. " hELLO IT'S A PLEASURE MEETING YOU" was what the Two, Nishinoya and Tanaka, wanted to exclaim. But was cut off mid-way through the sentence by Sugawara.
"You two, that's no way to greet a new friend. You're startling Hinata-san.", "I am Sugawara, Koshi. Call me Koshi if you please. I can be of help anytime you need assistance" Sending a faint but genuine grin to the small lady , earning Sugawara a smile in return. 

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