XII: Flashbacks

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The rest of the team eventually make it up the hill and rest inside the store, too.

Sho-nii, kept glancing over at me, Noya, and Tanaka-senpai's table, seemingly worried. Assuming that I couldn't hide my worries well that they showed on my face.


Hinata Shouyo's P.O.V


I poke at Kageyamas waist, repeatedly calling his name while he also repeatedly ignores me.


He finally turns and looks at me, "What? you're annoying." he replies, eyes squinting.

I point a finger towards my cousin and motion for Kageyama to crpuch down, so I could reach his ear.
He does as I motion him to and I whisper to him, "Do you think something's bothering Aiko?"

He smacks my head, "How am I supposed to know, aren't you her cousin?" he replies, in a quiet but mean tone.

"But I'm not good at this!" I louden my voice, making sure that it'd still only be heard by the person beside me.

"Neither am I. Go ask someone else." He says in a monotone voice and pushes me away.

Damn you Kageyama!


Hinata Aiko's P.O.V


I plaster a grin across my face. I wouldn't want anyone else to worry.

I hadn't even told Sho-nii about my former teammates. All he knew was that I wanted to transfer and that I did. And here I am.

I stand from my seat, "I'll be going out, senpai." I bid the two of them and make my way out the small convenience store.

I push the glass doors open, and gushes of cold wind blow through my hair, and I inhale lungfuls of it.

I stand beside my co-manager, whose gaze is fixed far into the city. I join her and proceed to get lost in both the amazing view and in my thoughts.


"That's the new first year?"

"Yes, she'll be taking your spot from the regular. This kid's got beaming potential, Kurumi."

"No fair!"


"You know what? You're very full of yourself, first year. Ever since you came, you ruined the team's bond!"


"Aiko? Are you okay?" Kiyoko-senpai calls to me, brows furrowed. I shake my head and smile at her, "Sorry, I was spacing out." And follow her down the hill.

The rest of the team had already gone before us, leaving us two alone again.


We eventually arrive at the court near the inn we've stayed in.

Everyone else hurries inside while I rest myself on a bench by a vending machine right outside the court. "You're not coming?" Tanaka-senpai notices me thinking deeply where I sat as he stretches his arms to prepare for morning practice.

I shake my head. "Tell Kiyoko-senpai I'll be right there.. I'll just, clear my head here." and grin at him.

He approaches me and pats my head. "Get yourself together, Aiko." he says and leaves me be.


Nishinoya Yuu's P.O.V


I see Ryu come in the court, seeminglu having something bothering him. I hurry towards him to ask of it.

At the sides of the exit, I notice Aiko by the bench, right where Ryu had come from.

"Oi! Ryu!" I come at him, jogging.

He stops by my call, "What's up?" I lean towards him, "You and Aiko seem a bit closer lately." Squinting my eyes in suspicion, "Something's fishy! And you're not telling me anything about it." Arms crossed at my chest.

He lets out a nervous laugh, "What do you mean, fishy? Aiko's like a sister to me." and in turn crosses his arms and leans back at me, "Why are you worried? eeeh?"

"W-why not?! She's my Kouhai!" I yelled and protested.

"And mine too." He says and leaves me standing alone by the gym doors.

The captain calls for everyone and we follow suit.


Hinata Aiko's P.O.V


I want ice cream.

I stand up from the rusty bench and dust my leggings.

Maybe I'll ask Tanaka-senpai to get some with me later.

And enter the gym.

The sound of the friction between rubber and the court fills my ears, and wakes me back to where I really am.

Right, it's all in the past.
Forget about it, Aiko.

I exhale and walk towards the bench occupied by Kiyoko-senpai, the bench where I should've been sitting on minutes earlier.

This is my place now.
They can't yell at me here anymore.

And sit beside her.

I take deep breaths and clear my mind of any thoughts.
And focus on the game in front of me.


Tired groans and yawns echoed throughout the gym as the boys finished stretching.

The same craving I've been having earlier kicks in once more.

I look for Tanaka-senpai and walk to where he's stretching.

"Senpai." I call him.

"Hm? what?" He replies.

"Let's go get ice cream. And talk on the way, and stuff." I tell him.

"Oh? okay? sure. Try and ask Daichi."

I nod at him and approach the captain.

Who thankfully agrees and lets us go for a walk considering it is already dusk.
And he said that Tanaka-senpai's a good enough repel for any person with malicious intent.

I laugh and and tell Tanaka-senpai of what the captain had just said.

We both laugh at the statement and start walking down the street.


As we were walking, a faint noice is heard from behind us.

"Do you hear that too, senpai?" I ask him.

"Yeah." We both stop in our tracks and turn to our backs, where we see a running Nishinoya towards the both of us.

Eventually reaching us, and panting heavily.

"No fair! You didn't invite me!" He whines, teary eyed.

We both giggle at him, "Sorry, noya. Well now you're invited!" Tanaka-senpai replies in attempt to comfort him.

Not so very comforting words.

And so, the three of us walk noisily side by side down the quiet streets of the area, looking for any shops that sold the cold deserts that we were craving for.

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