1 • Welcome To Brookie Noir

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Seriously, on my first day of school I just had to wake up extremely early. Sighing to myself, I kept walking down Pina Street. Houses were on both sides, home of the elderly I believe. 

My stomach started to grumble which made me frown. I shouldn't be in such a rush since I live 20 minutes away, but I'm just so excited. This is my first day as a high schooler. I'm on top of the food chain, education wise. Bottom of the food chain, high school wise. 

Yeah, bottom of the food chain. I started to laugh worryingly. "Freshmen get bullied don't they?" 

"And that's why we're here!" I heard a deep voice say something, I looked up from the ground to notice I made it to school. 

A tall, slim, dark skin male was standing by the gate, with one hand holding a walkie talkie and the other holding a McDonald's coffee cup. 

"Welcome to Brookie Noir High School." He stepped closer to me, giving me a nod. 

"Home of the Bulldogs..?"  I mumbled to myself, mesmerized by the school in front of me. From what I can see, the buildings weren't a lot. They were quite tall and were painted in white. Since this is the back entrance I couldn't really expect much. 

The man nudged me, "Nah, this is more like home for the pussies." He bursted out laughing. 

Just play along Angel, that's all. I fake laughed with him just to make the situation less awkward. 

"The name is Coach Watson, if you need any help do not hesitate to ask any of the security. I'll be looking out for you." He clipped his walkie onto his shirt then gave me a quick pat on the back. 

"Thank you." I smiled and continued walking to the school.

"Stay safe, freshmen." 

His words echoed in the back of my mind until I reached inside the building. You can tell the floors were recently waxed and the walls were freshly painted blue. 

I spotted a vending machine near the trophy case, my stomach must've reacted to the sight as well since it decided to scream. 

I quickly walked over to the machine. Reaching into the back of my light blue jeans, I felt something tug my hair. I turned around, ready to confront the individual but was met face to face to a girl with bright pink hair. 

She started to smile, "Thank God it was you, it would've been awkward trying to explain to a stranger why I pulled their hair. Those curls were always something you liked about yourself." 

Elizabeth Eders, my friend since middle school. She pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm glad to see you Angel!" 

"Eliza, I was so ready to punch you." I laughed into her shoulder, giving her a good squeeze before letting go.

"Sorry my love, where's your schedule? We can look for our classes together." 

I looked through my galaxy themed bag for that white slip of paper. Just as I pulled it out, it was quickly snatched away from me. 

"Alright, so we have first, second, third and seventh together. That's a good amount." 

I snatched my schedule from the tiresome male. "When will you ever learn you can't keep snatching things away from me, Lucifer." 

He rolled his eyes, "Whenever you stop calling me 'Satan' I'll gladly change my attitude." 

"Technically, Satan and Lucifer are two different people." Elizabeth chimed in. 

"And I'm none of those people." He said while yawning. His name is actually Luke, but we gave him that name since he's obsessed with horror movies. 

I ignored their ongoing conversation just because it'll turn into an argument. I gave Elizabeth my schedule to look at, "Do we have any classes together?"

She clapped her hands together, "We have every class together, except seventh." 

Seventh is Biology so it makes sense she doesn't have it. I became so excited that I forgot about my prolonged hunger. 

"Maybe you should eat instead of worrying about classes." Lucifer walked away from us and went up the stairs.  

Elizabeth shook her head, "He wonders why we call him Lucifer. He's so coldhearted." 

I laughed at her and turned to the vending machine. May the day be a good one.

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