Chapter 3 • Insecurities Suck

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I opened my eyes as everything suddenly quieted down. I blinked frantically. I turn around to see that a book was thrown at the rat. No way in hell someone was going to ever touch that book again.

The whistles came from security and administrators trying to calm down the students and get them off the desks. I looked around in a daze. Confused on how something like this could happen in a flash. I was suddenly picked up off of the desk onto the floor.

It's the man from before, Coach Watson. "I said it was home of the pussies because of our cat problem. I didn't know we still had rats." He shook his head and held up his thumbs. I was honestly stunned. I couldn't comprehend anything.

This average size lady wearing a beige suit came in and introduced herself as the Vice Principal. Behind her was our teacher. The Vice Principal told us for the remainer of the class we will be cleaning up and putting everything in order. She then apologized to our class and our teacher for the problem. She took her leave and so did the security guards and administrators. The day barely started and I already want to sleep. They weren't lying when they said highschool was tiring.

Few minutes later our teacher finally introduced herself. "I'm your World Geography teacher, Mrs.Hermit. We started it rough but due to that you all get a free A from this." The class cheered loudly and Mrs.Hermit continued to speak, "Your first assignment is to write a paragraph about your favorite country. If you don't have a favorite country then pick a random one. Please explain why it's your favorite and use facts. Also, please remember to bring your supplies next class." She smiled and then sat down.

With that, the class started talking in their groups already becoming familiar with each other. Elizabeth pulled out her phone and started scrolling through Instagram. Lucifer was there knocked out on his desk. Lisa pulled out her planner and wrote the incoming assignment and wrote a reminder to get more supplies. Meanwhile, I was just sitting there. Is this how it is from now on?  Unexpected events happening over and over? It does sound quite fun. I might actually love highschool.

"Um, excuse me?" A boy the size of a ball appeared at our table. I don't remember seeing him while the commotion was happening. "May I sit here?" He asked nicely. He was pointing at the seat in the middle of Lucifer and Lisa. Lisa and I nodded at the same time. She moved her backpack from the chair and put it on the floor. He smiled and said thanks. He stuggled to get in the chair and I swear I heard Elizabeth giggle. Hopefully it was at a meme and not the boy.

"What's your name?" the boy asked. "Usually the guest would introduce themselves." Elizabeth said while typing on her phone. Her focus was completely on her rose gold iPhone 8. All you can hear is the clicking of the keyboard because of her long nails.

The boy cleared his throat, "Just call me Chaz." Chaz is a chubby lightskin boy with waves that you can drown in. He's wearing a plain grey shirt with short white pants. For some reason he reminds me of that fictional character Hansel from the movie, 'Hansel and Gretel'.

"I'm Angel. It's nice to meet you, Chaz." he simply nodded and started staring at Elizabeth. I cleared my throat hard and his attention went back on me. "The girl next to you is Lisa and this girl right here is Elizabeth."

Lisa gave me a look, "I don't recall giving you permission to introduce me to strangers." she says with an annoying tone in her voice. Now she wants to speak up and have confidence. I simply rolled my eyes and pointed at Lucifer.

"And you see him? That's Lucifer." With just me calling him Lucifer he immediately shot up and stared at me coldly. "Keep calling me Lucifer and I'll definitely send you to hell."

Elizabeth set her phone down and looked at Chaz. "Be careful of him he's a huge prick." Chaz let out an awkward laugh and Lucifer shot both me and Elizabeth glares. He really is cold in the morning. Lisa started to speak, "So um..what exactly is your name then?" she asked Lucifer.

"My name is Luke, but these two annoying bitches like to call me Lucifer." I immediately got offended since I hate being compared to a female dog. Elizabeth sensed that and told him to apologize but he just stared at her like she was speaking a different language.

The rest of the remaining time went by with Chaz trying to flirt with Elizabeth and Lisa organizing her bag. She would occasionally look at Lucifer and stare at Elizabeth from time to time.

I suddenly heard loud laughter from the group behind mine. This girl with blonde and brown hair that's put into two braids was laughing her ass off. The boy in front of her said, "Oh shit she's looking over here be quiet." They started snickering and I knew it just had to be me. I started shaking a bit. Is there something wrong with my outfit or something? The girl with the braids is a white, scrawny child. I looked at them from my phones reflection and noticed she kept looking at me. Is she sizing me? I don't even recognize her. I want to confront her but I don't want to start any drama.

One of the kids from the group I recognized. Her name is Skylar. She's one of the best clarinet players I know. She's wearing black thick rimmed glasses. Her hair straightened going a bit past her shoulders. She was on her phone listening to music. She seems like she doesn't realize what's going on around her. I get up out of my seat and walked to her. I tapped her on her shoulder and she jumped. She quickly took her white earbuds out of her ear and looked a bit happy and confused. "Was there really a need to scare me like that?" She smiled.

"I missed you too, Sky." I hugged her in her seat and her group mates simply stared at me. I stared at them back and smiled. My mom always taught me to smile at the ones who think they're hurting you so they believe you're crazy. I flipped my curls out of my face and bent down to Sky's level.

"I didn't think we had the same class. Actually, I didn't even think we would end up in the same school." Sky continued talking but I couldn't focus on her. The girl and boy were still staring at me, silently judging me. I know bullying is still a thing, but I'm scared. I just want to enjoy the rest of the day so what's the reason of staring. I started to shake and feel a bit of sweat starting to form on my head. Great. Anytime I sweat my hair gets puffy.

Sky doesn't seem to notice my shaking so I just nod at whatever she's saying until the boy interrupted her. "Are you pansexual?" the boy blurted out.

My jaw dropped and I stared. The girl started yelling at him, "Why would you even ask her you fucking dumbass!" The boy turned his head to her and asked "What's the point of talking about her and not confronting her?"

He then turned back to me and made a face that asked "So?". I got up with my legs feeling like jelly.

"No, I am not pansexual. I am simply straight that's all." The girl that was sitting next to the white girl spoke up, "Basically you're unseasoned." She rolled her eyes and her group lit up with laughter, except Sky. Skylar gave an apologetic look and mouth "It's okay." I took this as a cue to leave and I went to my seat. I put my head down and thought to myself.

Do I look pansexual?

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