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~Isabelle Hardy~

I had spent the night in Callie's bed with her. The boys had offered to stay, which we had gladly accepted. Especially after everything they'd done to help us last night when Callie's ex rocked up. They had ended up taking my bedroom whilst I bunked in with Callie so I could keep a close eye on her. I hadn't slept much at all, between worrying about Callie and the magnitude of my appointment this morning I bet I just about managed to get four hours sleep. Callie on the other hand had slept like a baby. Not that I minded, she did need the rest and to be honest I needed the thinking time. Not only was the mornings appointment swirling round in my head but the fact max had come to find me, how he'd said he wanted my baby, wanted me. None of it made sense, yet I wanted to believe him. I wanted to run back to London and live happily ever after but the thought of leaving Callie here alone scared me, especially after last night.

"Stop questioning him" Callie's tired voice said shaking me from my thoughts. "Pardon" I said confused, not realising she'd woken up.  "He really loves you Izzy, both of you. Please don't throw that away for a hiccup" she said as she rolled over to face me with a grimace. "I can't go back to London though. Not now" I said glancing at her purple stomach. "You can, and you will. Max has already said he won't let either of us stay after last night. He's worried you'll get hurt and god forbid that should ever happen." She said with a smile. "You'll come with me" I said shocked at the revelation. "I think so. Maybe leaving might clear my head and get Rick off my back. I can stay with my brother for a bit maybe" she shrugged as I felt my smile grow wide. "You're serious" I said as happiness built in me. "Yeah, I'm not staying here. Not now" she said running her fingers over her purple stomach.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, would you like breakfast" Pete asked as he popped his head through the door. "I'll come down" I smiled shifting my body off the bed. "You sure, me and max are perfectly capable" he hummed in surprise. "Positive. Is he downstairs" I asked, eager to see him. "Yep, I believe he's making toast." Pete chuckled. "Ok, well you watch the cripple, I'll be back up shortly" I said with humour before I bounced down the stairs. Spotting max with his back to the toaster, I snuck up behind him and placed my hands o his eyes. "Guess who" I murmured somewhat seductively into his ear. "Izzy" he said lustfully making my whole body metaphorically light on fire. "Bingo" I said placing a soft kiss below his ear.
"Someone's in a good mood" he mused as he span around and wrapped me into his arms. "That's because I had an epiphany" I said biting my lip. He instantaneously reached up and retrieved it from my teeth with a gentle swipe. "You know what your lip biting does to me" he smirked. "You're not asking me about my epiphany" I giggled wanting him to. "That's because of what I told you last night. I'm not forcing you to do or say anything. This has to come from you" he said passionately making my heart swell with happiness. He was beyond understanding and I secretly loved how much he had fought for me, for us without being over bearing. "Well You don't need to force me. I know I love you, I know I want to be with you, I know I want us to be back together, I know I don't ever want to leave your side" I smiled up at him. "You mean it" he said locking our foreheads together as his hands wrapped around my cheeks and jaw. "I do" I smiled giddily before I connected our lips passionately. "You're mine again" he whispered as we came apart for breath. "I'm yours" I said happily as he began to spin around. At least we were back on track, now all that was left to sort was Callie's injury's and my baby predicament.

- - - - -

I wasn't exactly calm when me and max finally reached the doctors. For the last two weeks I had been coming alone, telling my GP that I hadn't told the father and didn't want to because he had cheated and now here I am sat with the father, ready to play happy families. What an earth was she going to think, I wouldn't be surprised if she admitted me to a psychiatric unit after the absolute U-turn I'd performed in the last 48 hours.

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