That One Geek

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Chapter 1

I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing, that horrible beeping sound. I groaned, hiding my head under my pillow.

After about five minutes, my mum starts to shout my name, "Katy!"

"What!" I yelled.

"Your going to be late for school!" she yelled back. Ugh, stupid high school, why start so early? My mind literally doesnt function at 8 in the morning.

I got out of bed and walked over to my wardrobe. I decide on wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt, I slipped my black leather jacket on too, I left my hair in its natural brown waves that fall half way down my back.

I grabbed my school bag and went downstairs for some breakfast. My mum was sat on a kitchen stool, eating cereal, still in her pijamas.

"Morning" she beamed.

"Morning" I mumbled, "Where's dad?"

"He left early for work today" she said and I nodded, grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl, that is my breakfast for the day.

As soon has I finished my apple, I grabbed my car keys and headed for the door.

"Bye mum!" I yelled before heading outside. I jumped into my car and drove to school. I was now driving through the school's parking lot, I soon spotted a space but it was immediately taken by Rebecca. Rebecca was the most popular girl in school, she also just happens to be my bully.

I groaned and continued my search, I finally found a space, lucky for me, not far from the school entrance. I hopped out my car and made my way into school. I spotted my best friend Megan standing by my locker, she smiled when she spotted me.

"Your looking nice today" Megan conplimented.

"Thanks, you dont look so bad yourself" I smiled, looking at her outfit. She was wearing light blue jeans with a flowy yellow top on, her brown hair in a side ponytail.

Once I had finished putting my books in my locker, me and Megan, walked to our first class Chemistry. We sat in the middle row, lost in conversation until... the schools biggest nerd, Harry, sits down in front row as always, he is so nerdy. His hair styled with gel and he had these huge glasses, and trust me, when I say huge I mean HUGE. He's wearing a wool sweater vest and slacks, honestly, he dressed like my grandad.

"Oh hey Katy!" said that horrible voice, known as Rebecca's, said from behind me, "Your looking extra trashy today" she laughed along with her little group of friends.

"Just ignore her" Megan whispered to me, at the same time some of the boy's on the football team walk in, Louis Tomlinson appeared first then Zayn Malik, they are also known has Rebecca's clones.

Zayn walked straight to Harry emptying all of the contents of his school bag onto the floor. I absolutely hated bullying, if I could stand up for Harry I would, but unfortunately I have a bully that makes fun of me constantly. I felt so bad for Harry right now, Harry was too scared to stand up to Zayn, you could see how terrified he actually was.

"You okay?" Megan asked from next to me, but before I could reply, the teacher walked in.

"Alright everyone, take your seats" the teacher said grumpily. I didn't pay attention to what the teacher was saying cause I was too busy dosing off or talking to Megan.

Pretty soon class was over, I quickly shoved all of my things into my bag and went to leave but the teacher stopped me.

"Katy, may I have a word with you please" he said motioning for me to come to him.

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