Chapter 1

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It was 3 am, I have been binging my Netflix series the entire spring break. I decided I was going to tackle down at least half of the many things I've planned. However, being the absolute slob I am, I spent a good chunk of the time reading and watching movies. I practically forced myself through multiple alarms to finally finish my homework before school.
I had no sleep. I managed to finish up the last bits of my math homework as I hurriedly rush to my bathroom to get ready. "Olivia! Hurry up, please don't be late on the first day I've made breakfast, it's your favorite!" My mom shouts from the kitchen as I smell the familiar scent of my mother's homemade blueberry pancakes. The smell travels up my nostrils and I give up my makeup and rush down to take a few bites before heading to school. "Love you mom don't worry I'll make it" I wink at her admiring her silky black hair and perfect almond shaped eyes. My mother was absolutely stunning, despite her exhaustion due to her long hours of work, she knew how to maintain her appearance. I shake my thoughts and hurriedly rush out the door, my school wasn't too far so I arrive soon after.

I hate school, I absolutely hate attention I find any opportunity to escape drama by isolating myself. I actually enjoy it, now I'm not a loner I have my few selected friends, well one. Daniel, or Danny is what I like to call him. He's inexplicably conceded; Danny is stunning. We have been friends as long as I can remember since our family were quite close. People always assumed that we were together but I don't see Danny that way, he has always been my older brother that I can rely on no matter what. The bell rings and I quickly grab the open seat next to Danny glaring at anyone who dares to speak to him.
"Quiet down class we have a new transfer student." My teacher says as she gestures the boy to come in. A tall slender boy walks in dressed in complete black, his eyes crystal blue and what appears to be earrings, which are also black. I roll my eyes at his rebellious look although I do find it a bit alluring. "Do I really need to introduce myself?" The boy mutters. "Yes that would be nice" my teacher responds watching him carefully "Well um... my name is Hunter.. I came from somewhere that you guys won't know so I'm not gonna bother explaining" he rubs his neck and sits down next to me.
I nervously peek at him through my peripheral vision, admiring his smooth skin and ocean eyes. My mother and father used to bring me to Hawaii every summer, granted that I couldn't swim, my father often shoved me into the crystal blue only to pick me up once again.

"Can you please stop staring at me" hunter harshly whispers. "Uh.. um I'm sorry my names Olivia" I choke. He looks at me, his eyes glistening as he leans towards me leaving only a few inches from my face, "Cool, don't care" he smirks as the smell of cigarettes reek from his perfectly shaped lips. He turns back to focus on the teacher. Wow, I thought to myself. Well he's more rude than he looks I look down at my paper noticing that I missed half the notes my teacher was rapidly writing down. Trying to be his friend is going to be more difficult than I thought. I sigh before I stop my myself. Olivia what are you doing! Stop trying to make new friends it's only going to bring you more trouble and embarrassment.
The bell rings and I rush to my next class attempting to avoid any more awkward encounters with Hunter. "See you around Olive" Hunter says mockingly, purposely bumping into my books watching them fall to the ground. He turns around smirking and walks away. What the hell did I do wrong to him? All I did was introduce myself—well yes I may have been staring at him for like half an hour but still! I can't help but think about his piercing eyes the way they reached out to me. Oh jeez what are you thinking Olivia! That jerk just intentionally bumped into you! And you thinking about his eyes? I shake my head trying to concentrate on my work.
"Finally it's lunch I'm starving!" I whine as Danny chuckles and steps on my shoe. "Hey these are my new shoes!" I laugh chasing him all the way to the lunch line. I go pale as I look up to see the same crystal eyes staring back at me. Hunter. "He..hey uh your getting lunch?" I stutter. "Why else would I be standing in the lunch line you retard" he glares. I don't respond I'm too afraid of getting drowned by his harsh words. I notice a faint drip of red from the corner of his perfect lips. Is that blood? No it's probably just ketchup. I graze up and down his back studying his lean and slender structure as I stop when I see more red drips on his hands. He notices and I quickly look away. I think little about it assuming maybe he was painting or just a messy eater.
When I get home my mom prepares a table full of colorful veggies. After dinner I go straight to sleep to get rid of some of the frustration caused by Hunter's rude remarks but before I could fall asleep I heard my window slide making the most unsettling screech since they were pretty old. "Olive I finally found you" a wicked voice calls out to me. Unable to move I start to panic my heart pulsates hard and I begin to sweat. A dark figure slides it's way into my room emerging closer to my bed. I want to scream but I'm paralyzed with fear. Am I just tired? Is this a nightmare? I close my eyes shut as I feel a breath on my face, I open them and I see hunter but instead of his ocean eyes they were red... deep bloody red. I manage to scream and my mom rushes into the room turning the lights on. I sit up shaking and confused of what I just saw. "Sweetie what's wrong? Did you see a spider again?" she laughs. "No...I just... nothing I'm fine mom" I say trying to catch my breath. My mom is not convinced but she leaves me alone, closing the door slightly. Was that Hunter? Why was he in my room?! Just breathing on me...what did he mean "found you"? A million questions run through my mind resorting to another sleepless night.
My alarm goes off at 5:30, although I never slept in the first place, I manage to crawl to my bathroom, horrified, as I take on my sleep deprived appearance. In regards to the lack of sleep I practically begged my mother to let me take the day off, and of course, being the strict and merciless mother she has always been, she quickly refuses my request. Grabbing the slightly burnt but crispy toast, I stomp out the door taking in the raw and reassuring smell of the rain. The pitter patter of the drops were almost like music to me; I've always favored rain for it made it me feel safe and surrounded by my thoughts—the good ones of course. I envision the day me and family went camping in Yellowstone when it began to rain. Me being a naive little girl, I used to believe that "God was peeing". I watched as dad danced in the rain joyfully with my mom, that was the last time i recall such joy with them. My dad disappeared about a month later and until this day there has been no trace of him or his whereabouts.
       The final bell rings but I'm too tired to even care, instead of running into the class in the most dramatic way possible, I took my time—I even stopped by the bathroom to fix my hair. I walk into class and take my seat next to Hunter until I began to recall the reason behind my loss of sleep. I feel a chill crawl up to my head and I jump letting out the slightest shriek as I turn to look at him wide-eyed with anticipation. "It's you wasn't it?! You—you were in my room!" I blurted without circumspection of my surroundings. "I'm afraid you've mistaken for your imaginative boyfriend olive" he mockingly smirks. Embarrassed, I apologize to Mr. Willham for my abrupt and late appearance and decide to question hunter after class.

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