You need it.

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I rummage through my wardrobe to try and find something comfortable, when someone says comfortable, you don't know whether to wear a pair of sweats or pretend that those skinny jeans hugging your hips are the most comfortable pants I've ever worn, they ain't girly - stop fooling yourself!
Outfit after outfit is thrown into a pile on the floor, fuck I have nothing to wear! I gather my thoughts for a moment and decide to take a shower... remembering I have this messy bun situation on my head, FUCK MY LIFE I knew I'd regret this! Looks like I'm washing my hair.

I get out of the shower, and stare blankly in the mirror, "He said comfortable, you're going to be fine" I say to myself exhaling deeply. I got this!

I decided, I'm wearing those damn jeans, even though a pair of leggings are going to be a lot more comfortable, I want to at least put in some effort. I grab out the hair dryer and start drying my hair, Lord this is going to take FOREVER! I manage to get myself looking half decent, chuck on some gloss and I should be fine. I breathe in and out to try and contain my nerves, why am I nervous? I dust off my black shirt, one I had bought a few weeks ago and never worn. It's partially see through with some rose gold buttons down the front, pairing with a plain black singlet and my deep blue jeans - I look comfortable. I slide on my flat black boots, and I'm ready to go. I check my phone - 6.45pm... comfortable gets me ready on time - score! Now we wait.

7pm hits and I'm ready and waiting, my heart is thumping out of my chest. The last time I had gone on a date, I couldn't even remember - but the man is late! Figures, I don't expect much more from this Brit, he's been late before. I hear footsteps at the door, and I stop breathing for a second.  -door knock- "I guess that's him" I whisper to myself.

I walk over to the door, inhaling and exhaling on my way over - can't let him know I'm a little excited. I open the door and I can't believe it, he ACTUALLY meant comfortable! I'm overdressed! I look over at him in his black hoodie and his black ripped jeans, and it's obvious he was not planning on dinner. I then focus on his hands, what the fuck?

"Is that?" I question, running my hand over my head wondering what the hell he was playing at. He chuckles and smiles, "I told you I'd make it up to your cat" he responds handing over a bag of cat biscuits - is this a bad time to mention that I don't own a cat?
"Wow, you weren't joking" I respond slightly impressed at the effort he had put in, maybe I should get a cat?
"You ready to go?" He asks as I put down the bag.
"Ready when you are" I respond, shit that sounded too keen. He nods his head and smirks, "Ladies first."  What a gentlemen, or he's probably going to check out my ass - either way chivalry is certainly not dead.

We get in the car, the same black sedan he had picked Ash and I up in last night. This time I get into the passengers seat, "where are we headed?" I ask, as he starts the car. He turns and looks at me and smiles, "if I told you, I'd have to kill you." So original! I roll my eyes and look out the window, you think you're smooth Brit, but that was lame. He throws the car into Drive and hits the accelerator - I guess I'll find it when I get there, fuck I hate surprises.

We drive for a while in silence, him changing the music half way through the song, ugh I want to scream. "So, not working tonight?" I ask, trying to make conversation - maybe it will be enough to stop him from changing the song.
"Nope" he responds, eyes still firmly on the road. Great, this is going to be a long night.

The car stops, and it's dark - real dark! Is this when he kills me and leaves me in the middle of nowhere? Welp! Looks like this is how I die! He unbuckles his seat belt and looks over at me, "You going to be alright to walk in those boots?" He asks, eyeing down my legs and looking straight at my shoes.
"Yeah, they're flat - most comfortable shoes I own" I respond. He nods and gets out of the car. He knows that was a lie, I should have worn some sneakers. He actually meant comfortable, fuck this.

I get out of the car and immediately know where I am. Burke's lookout, up in the mountains. I've seen this place before in those travel shows they have on tv, but never actually been here. He walks up behind me and looks over my shoulder, "You ready to see the best view in the state, Morgan?" He whispers over my shoulder, I shudder as he slides his hand around my waist to turn me around. I nod in agreement, because at this point I'm not sure if he's being romantic or if he's going to throw me off - I guess I'm doing this, regardless the outcome.

Now let me tell you, hiking is not my idea of a date, and this was hell - the walk was short, but so are my legs. I barely make it to the top without breaking a sweat, attractive! But I finally did - and the view was, unlike any I had seen before.

"This is beautiful" I say with a slight squeak in my voice, "you can see the entire city skyline from here

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"This is beautiful" I say with a slight squeak in my voice, "you can see the entire city skyline from here." I'm so excited, I can barely contain it. This beats any dinner I could have thought of. I look over at him and he seems content with his decision, he sits down against a boulder and breathes in a heavy breath.

"Come here" he says, looking out over the skyline. I walk over to him still taking in the view. I've lived here almost my entire life and never have I seen a view so beautiful. As I walk over to the boulder he slides over and pats the spot he was leaning against, so I sit up there with him. "You ever been here before?" He asks still looking out over the city.
"Never"  I respond.
"I come here sometimes, when I need a moment. I thought you might have needed it too" he says as he puts his hand on my knee and clutches it lightly. I look over at him, do I put out the "I need help" signal or something?

10 minutes go past and my ass is sore, we've sat here in silence and although not awkward, I need to get up. I get up off the boulder and walk closer to the edge, and stare over the skyline. Fuck this is beautiful, I can see why he comes here to think... it's exactly where I would want to go too. As I stand there immersed in my own thoughts I knew he was right, I did need this, a lot of this. I was so consumed in my own thoughts,  had barely noticed he had stood up... until I felt his big strong arms around my waist.

"It's beautiful" I whisper, as he began to spin me around.
"So are you" he responds. I lock eyes with him, those deep brown eyes I saw in that rear view mirror last night. Those eyes, that within seconds could make me do anything he would ask me to...

"But that's not what today is about" he says.
"What?" I respond, still locking eyes with this British stranger I had known for a whole 24 hours.
He chuckles under his breath, and brings his right hand over to my cheek while his mouth leans into my left. "Not just yet anyway" he whispers. "Let's head back to the car" he leans back and looks at me intently. What the fuck? I nod my head as he walks away, is he serious? I can almost feel myself sulking as I make my way back to the car.

I walk through my apartment door, that he had walked me to, "thanks for the drive" I say with a smile on my face.
"Thanks for coming" he responds, he leans in and kisses me on the cheek - softly, while running his hand down my arm. And then walks back down the hall - leaving me standing there feeling like a total crazy person. I close the door and lean up against it as it slams shut.
What the fuck was that?

Little did I know this was just the beginning of something - something far more than I had imagined it would be. And he - well, he was about to show me exactly what he meant by doing me a favour.

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