A day in the abnormal life...

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A/N Emma Dobbs is a character in harry potter. She was sorted in the fourth book. My name is also Emma and i named my character after me because somethings i wish life was a little more...abnormal...we all feel that way! Harry Potter belongs to the amzing JK i do not own harry potter!

this is my first fanfic hop you like!

Chapter 1


Joey Richter steered down at the taco on his plate. He couldn’t make tacos the way his mother use to make them but he decided he couldn’t live the rest of his life without tacos, so he gave it a shot. He took a bite, not bad, it needs sweet chilli sauce. He got up and started hunting around his kitchen trying to find the bottle. It was on the top shelf of his cupboard so he reached up, it was out of reach. Joey loved food but he needed to get a smaller cupboard so he could actually reach it. He grabbed a stool and stood on it, balancing He grabbed the sweet chilli bottle with the sense of triumph.

Then the doorbell rang.

It gave Joey a shock. He feel backwards off the stool, he recovered, his head was throbbing but he jogged to get the door, If it was Joe dressed up in his Umbridge costume pretending to sell Girl Guide cookies he would crack it, it had happened before. He turned the nob.

A girl, a very attractive looking girl who looked kinda familiar was pointing a stick at him through the doorway. Joey was puzzled, if this was another die hard fan….

“Back up, now” the girl snapped

Joey stared. He was being threatened by a girl, with a stick, in his own home. Joey Richter had a weird life.

He backed into his house as she pointed the stick at him.

“Sit” she snarled.

“Out of interest why are you treating me with a stick” Joey asked stupidly

The girl stared at him for a moment then pulled out a scroll

“I didn’t want to threaten you but unfortunately it’s my job”

“Understandable” Joey muttered.

“My name is Emma; I work for the Ministry of Magic. I have to take you in to questioning about how much you know about the wizarding world.”

Joey stared at her “Come again?”

“The wizarding world, How much do you know.”

Joey was very confused. “You think I’m a wizard?”

She rolled her eyes “You are not a wizard, you know too much about wizarding world"

“Soooooo, you’re not a die hard fan?”

She raised her eyebrow “No, I’m here to help you.”

“Well I’m sorry if I don’t believe you” he mumbled

She wiped out her wand “ACCIO RED VINE”

A familiar red and blue packet zoomed over and landed in her hand. She held out the packet with a smile “Red Vine?”

Joey stared at her for a good 20 seconds “how did you do that?” he asked stupidly

“I. Am. A. WITCH” she pronounced the last word carefully.

“You can’t be a witch, your world is A MADE UP WORLD he said waving his arms around. “WRITTEN BY JK ROWLING!!!

“JK Rowling’s a squib” she said taking another bite out of her red vine. 

Joey was becoming overwhelmed. “A WHAT!?”

“A squib” she repeated “her mother, father and sister where wizards and witches. She was hired by the ministry of magic to make the Harry Potter books. There was really a guy called Harry Potter who was destined to kill Voldemort, She wrote them because the ministry wanted to let people know about the troubles our world was facing, so when we did tell the world we where here all along, they might understand that we cannot be invincible with magic. They where published after the war…you know the quote ‘I open at the close?’ well war begins in 1997 books published 1997…coincidence?”

Joey was just staring at her “A squib, Joanne Kathleen Rowling is a squib”

“Yes” she said

“So you’re a witch”


“This is crazy, mad”

A beeping sound came from the watch on her wrist.

“Whoop time to go” She said snapping her watch shut

“woooo I’m no going any whe-“

Joey was going to be sick, he felt like his insides where coming out through his mouth. Then it stopt.

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