[chapter one: "baby yoga"]

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Chapter 1: "Baby Yoga"

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"... You may now kiss the bride!"

The church in Sleepy Hollow, New York that Paul and Stephanie had chosen for their wedding seemed to erupt with cheers as the newly married couple sealed their deal with a kiss. A second Kliq couple had finally tied the knot, following after Kevin and Jolene a couple of years earlier.

Kevin, of course, stood on Paul's side of the ceremony, right beside the best man, Shawn. The two old friends were nudging each other as they merrily laughed and celebrated Paul and Stephanie's union.

On the other hand, Jolene stood in the pews between two of the elder McMahon sister, Katherine's, past lovers, Adam Copeland and Leslie Tyler; while Leslie and Katherine's relationship had been long and sweet, her relationship with Adam had not lasted longer than a single night before she and Leslie connected. Regardless, Jolene adored both of the males and gave Katherine (well-meaning) hell for letting them slip through her fingers.

It was naturally Jolene that had insisted that the three of them sit together, and hey, how could Adam and Leslie refuse?

"You know, fellas," Jolene spoke as Paul and Stephanie began to walk down the aisle together, heading out towards the after party. The smiles on their faces warmed Jolene's cold heart. "It's not too late for one of you to swoop in and get you a McMahon yourself. Kat messed up with both of you, but that's okay. We can fix that."

"Well what if we wanted to try for the oldest of Vince's kids?" Adam questioned. "Shane's pretty cool."

"Hey now, I don't swing that way," Leslie grinned as he leaned past Jolene in order to look at Adam.

"I mean I don't either, but you never know how things are going to go. I just didn't want to exclude a true, manly treasure in our business from the conversation." The way that Adam spoke had Jolene absolutely tickled.

"You see? This is why I like you boys." Jolene snickered as she wrapped an arm around both Adam and Leslie. "You make me laugh. Shawn just makes me angry."

Thankfully, Kevin approached the trio before Jolene had a chance to devolve into a full-blown rant about Katherine's fiancé. The wedding parties had begun to disperse as everyone started to make their ways towards the nearby restaurant where Paul and Stephanie would be having their reception. Kevin greeted his wife with a kiss to the top of her head.

"I'm going to apologize for any shit she said throughout the wedding," Kevin told Adam and Leslie with a grin, "I heard Shawn's name as I walked over here. I can only imagine what she said."

"Oh, no, Jolene was on her absolute best behavior." Adam assured Kevin with dramatic confidence. "She was like a little angel that only wanted to spread love and kindness into the world."

"We were lucky to have her, really." Leslie chimed in. Jolene had since dropped her arms back to her sides, so Leslie and Adam took the opportunity to link their arms with hers. The way that the two of them seemed to be on the same wavelength baffled Kevin. "She's a great lady!"

"Do your throats hurt from all of the shit she shoved down them?" Kevin asked Adam and Leslie with a laugh, "My wife? An angel? I think that's the funniest shit I've ever heard!"

"Okay," Adam awkwardly winced before clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, "Perhaps I should've gone with 'Dark Empress of the Underworld.' That's my bad."

"Can we keep them?" Jolene playfully asked, much like a child with a new puppy. "They're smart."

"Depends on your definition of 'smart,' but I appreciate the compliment." Adam grinned. Leslie nodded in amused agreement.

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