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I thought it all felt so natural, no forced moments or feelings. Yet now I realize that's all it took - force, lies, and betrayal. What did I expect? His job was to make me believe it was real.




Groaning, I woke up to the sound of my doorbell ringing way too many times and Rose barking far too loudly. My head was pounding, I felt like throwing up and my whole body felt as if it weighed a few pounds too much as every movement took effort. Removing the duvet, I massaged my temples in a sad attempt to make the headache go away. 

The doorbell wouldn't stop ringing, "I'm coming!" I shouted at the direction of the door, my voice a little too coarse for my liking.

On the way to the door, I looked in the mirror, jumping as I realized I was half-naked. I quickly went to grab a shirt and joggers from my bag, soon reaching the door. 

I thought about what exactly happened last night, yet it all seemed to be a blur, unfortunately, the images of me attempting to sing along to world-known classics very clear in my memory. 

As soon as I unlocked the door, Erin marched in as if she owned the place, Eric laughed whilst taking in my appearance, "jeez, you reek."

"Erin please make me some eggs or something, I feel like I'm about to throw up," I whined, ignoring Eric and walking into the kitchen, where she was sat with her arms crossed, the kitchen a complete mess as there were snacks everywhere, and even chocolate smeared on some parts. 

"Are you having a breakdown?" Erin eyed me up and down,  "I have been trying to make you drink with me for so many years and this is how you betray me? With a dog and shitton of snacks? I'm offended."

Eric picked up the garbage from the floor, trying to clean up the mess. He then lifted up his pinky, with my bra on it. My eyes widened in an instant. 

"Now I'm offended too," Eric couldn't stop laughing, "could have given me heads up about a naked party."

"Guys, not now, please," I dropped on the seat, laying my head down on the table, "I think I'm dying."

"Welcome to being hungover, babe," Erin rubbed my back as Eric handed me some pain killers and water, "just keep drinking."

Rose started barking from my room: "Rose, come here."

She still wouldn't stop: "I swear there are ghosts here or something."

"Well neither of us are fans of them so you'll have to sort her out," Erin shrugged, picking up an opened pack of Oreos from the counter.

I groaned, getting up from the chair and slowly making my way to the room, "Rose, I swear if you don't shut it I might-"

First I wanted to scream, then I realized my mouth was covered by his arm, as my eyes widened further realizing he too was half-naked. Amazing abs, may I add, almost as if curved by the gods, speaking of which, God was he hot. Abs, my room, half-naked, my room. I cursed very loudly in my head, returning to reality as I connected the dots. He smiled awkwardly, almost apologetically. 

"Is there any way I can sneak out before Erin or Eric chop my friend off?" Luke whispered.

I was stuck in the spot, so many questions in my head, I'm pretty sure my face was completely pale. "Are you alive? I have a knife!" Erin shouted from the kitchen. 

Luke slowly removed his arm from my mouth, hoping I was past the screaming stage: "yes! I'm alright, just changing, give me a second!"

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whisper-shouted at him. 

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