Could Kindle Raptures So Divine

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It was 6:29 on Christmas morning, and Jo was awake. 

He smiled and rolled over, the floor digging into his shoulder blade in the same spot it always did. Christmas Day was the one day a year when he didn't work at all. Relishing the thought of going back to sleep for once, he closed his eyes and began to drift off.

"Merry Christmas!"

Three little faces stared up at the table in wonder. Jo had managed to squirrel away enough for a small treat for their breakfast. At ages 5, 3, and 10 months, the boys were still young enough to consider the box of Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes a magical experience. At 15, Jo knew how pathetic his offering really was, but he appreciated their naïvety and enthusiasm all the same. There wasn't money for presents or any other special food, but Jo had gotten a stack of Christmas books from the library to read to them later as a surprise. He was trying his best to make Christmas as special as possible, but knew he was falling very short.

The two older boys grabbed their cakes and jumped up and down in circles squealing. For once Jo didn't quiet them. Dad was still out, likely drunk on a friend's couch, so they had the house to themselves.

"Can we make a snowman later?" asked Drew excitedly.

"Sure, when Jaime goes down for a nap.

"We build no-man, Jo Jo" babbled Sammy, clapping his hands.

After sitting the boys down with milk and cakes at the kitchen table, Jo fed the baby in their bedroom. He burped and rocked him and laid him down in the box he'd fashioned into a crib. When he returned to the kitchen, he froze in his tracks.

"Merry Christmas."

His dad sat at the table, only feet away from his brothers. They were still eating, but looked nervous around him. He picked up a cake, turned it over, and took a bite.

"Now that is...delicious." 

He began to chuckle deeply. Nausea crept up Jo's throat and he was glad he hadn't eaten anything yet.

"I just want to know one thing. Where. Did a little piece of dog shit like you. Get the money for these."

Jo kept his mouth shut. He's managed to keep his job a secret from his dad so far, though his dad wasn't an idiot. He had to know the formula and diapers were coming from somewhere, since he hadn't dropped a dime for them.

"I believe I asked you a question, boy." 

His dad's voice dropped an octave and Jo felt himself begin to tremble.

"Drew. Sammy. Come here." 

He motioned cautiously to the little boys at the table.

"Stay where you are," his dad growled, making them jump.

"Come here. It's okay."

Drew grabbed Sammy's hand and tiptoed away from their father as one would from a coiled rattlesnake. Once they reached Jo he knelt down next to them, never taking an eye off his dad.

"It's nap time, okay? Go get into bed and shut the door behind you." 

They looked at him, uncertain. Drew's lip trembled.

"Can you come with us?"

"I will in a little bit, buddy. Right now I need you to listen to me and do what I said." 

He spoke gently, but there was urgency in his tone. When his dad stood from the table, he stood as well, pushing his brother toward their room.

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