25. Surprise Visitors

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Jeremiah wrapped his arms around Talia. She squeezed him so tight her arms burned. Pulling away from him she led him to the couch to sit.

"Is this why you haven't been returning my calls?"

"Of course, hun. I wanted it to be a surprise." Jeremiah's gaze landed on Zeke with contempt. "Now, tell me. What the hell happened to you? Before you answer, it better not consist of that entitled asshole hurting you."

Zeke looked over from his conversation with his megastar friends, Max Hamilton and Terence O'Sullivan. Max was dressed like he'd walked straight off a runway. His buzzed cut hair and trimmed beard add a bit of rugged to his look. With his sunglasses propped on top of his head he seriously looked out of place. Terence, on the other hand, looked wrecked. He was swaying. His normally coifed dark hair looked greasy. Clearly, he was a moment from puking on the floor.

"Sally's an asshole. I fell down running away from her." Talia shrugged.

Jeremiah had a very confused look on his face. "Sally did this to you? Who the hell is Sally?"

"A pet skunk. It's a long story. Tell me why you are here. Did you fly in with those guys?"

Jeremiah blinked at Talia then shook his head. "Uh ok. I want the details later. So, I am here because of that stupid article that ran. I wanted to make sure you were ok. These two ass wipes just happened to be on the same flight. That one-," Jeremiah pointed to Max. "That one was a two-pump chump with a stewardess in the mile-high club." Jeremiah pointed to Terence. "That one emptied the booze cart. The reason that he looks like he's going to puke is because he probably has to."

"Hey! Who are you calling a two-pump chump?" Max walked in front of Jeremiah and Talia.

"You! I timed you when you took that stewardess in there. Two minutes! I would have expected more from a hot shot such as you."

Max stepped menacingly toward Jeremiah. Jeremiah stood ready to show the movie star who was boss.

"Max! Knock it-"

A horrible warm wave hit Talia. Terence stood behind her vomiting directly on her. Puke landed all over her. It covered her from her head to the top of her shorts. Frozen in shock she didn't know what to do. The stench was making her want to vomit. She had to hold back so she didn't make the situation worse.

A cackling laughter drew her gaze. Max was bent at the waist laughing. "Oh my God that's perfect! Good aim, Terence. You didn't want to ruin the couch. You threw up on something disposable."

In a weak voice, Terence said, "I'm so sorry."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Jeremiah said.

"It's not like the vomit can make her any worse. In fact, in only makes her more valuable. She's a good couch protector." A sinister smile crossed his face.

Talia needed to get up. She needed to shower. Needed to get away from these horrible people. As she tried to stand, Max landed on the floor. Snapping her gaze up she saw Zeke standing over him menacingly.

"Don't you ever speak to her that way again! I will end you, motherfucker. Stay your ass down so I don't have to wreck that pretty face. God knows that's your money maker not your acting."

Zeke stepped over Max. Picking Talia up off the couch he headed for the stairs. But, then they heard a crash behind them. Terence had finally landed on the floor in an unconscious heap. Zeke sighed and looked at Jeremiah.

"Can you do me a favor and make sure he doesn't choke on his own vomit? I don't care what you do to the other one."

Jeremiah nodded but barely audibly said, "I should just let the fucker choke."

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