33. Calgon Take Him Away

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"Come in. Come in." Zeke's mom ushered them into the house. "Let me take that from you. Please go make yourself at home." She took the apple pie Talia and Addie had made.

Zeke's parent's home was a small rancher. The faded siding on the outside of the home said it had been around for a while. The lawn was slightly overgrown and the once well-maintained flower beds had weeds growing out. Inside the home was sparse. Only the necessary furniture was present. Accents of framed photos were no where to be found. Talia had the feeling that something was amiss.

"I'm going to help your mom." Talia kissed Zeke on his cheek then followed his mother to the kitchen.

"How can I help you, Mrs. Rogers?"

"Oh, you don't have to help dear." She rushed around the kitchen trying to do more than she had to with Talia present.

"Let me cut the vegetables for you."

"Ok." Passing the knife to Talia, the sleeve of her shirt revealed a dark bruise on her arm.

"What's that?" Talia asked.

Quickly she righted the shirt. "Oh, that's nothing. I'm clumsy sometimes."

The hair on the back of Talia's neck stood up. "Are you sure? You can tell me."

Zeke's mom looked at Talia for a moment. Fear shone in her eyes. She took a breath to say something when they were interrupted.

"What's going on in here?" Zeke's father's voice growled through the room.

"Talia offered to help me with the veggies. Isn't that nice of her?" Her voice wavered with each word. The atmosphere in the kitchen became dense with fear.

Mr. Rogers walked toward Talia. A waft of alcohol preceded him. All of the pieces came together. He was back drinking and beating on his wife.

"Is that right, girl?"

Talia nodded and held up the knife in front of her.

"Ok." He refilled his drink out of an unmarked container on the counter then left the kitchen,

Talia worked silently with his mother. Her stomach roiled with the knowledge of what was happening in that house. She needed to tell Zeke. They needed to help his mom.


"What's going on?" Zeke snapped as he pulled away from his parent's house.

"I don't know if I should tell you." Talia stared out the window.

"Just fucking tell me. You were rude as shit to my parents and I want to know why."

Talia turned toward Zeke. A pain began radiating in her temple signaling the beginning of a headache. She watched as his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"I wasn't rude. I was quiet."

"Same fucking difference. My parents invited you into their home and you couldn't have the fucking decency to even talk. I was so embarrassed. How could you do that to me?"

Heat flared through her. "How could I do that to you?"

"Yes. I have the right to know why you would treat my family like that. Amber even tried to talk to you. All you did was give short one-word answers."

"Fine. You want to know why I was quiet it was because I had a lot on my mind. I didn't know if I should share with you something I found out."

"What could you have on your mind that would make you act like that?" He demanded.

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