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Groggily opening her eyes, the girl rolled over and turned off her alarm clock that, may the girl add, she was about to throw out of the windows. It was her only reminder that she had to get up and go to the horrible place people called school. It's not that a lot of bad things happened, it's just that every day is the same old crap.

She did had books for school, but they were in her locker along with her pencil case and all the other stuff. So she only had to grab her backpack and lunch.

Stepping out of her bed the girl walked to her closet and picked out a black skater skirt, a white tank top with 'WEIRD IS RAD' printed on it, a dark sailor blue checkered blouse, a pair of tights and her black combat boots.

When the girl was done with putting on her clothes she walked to the bathroom and brushed her hair. It was a tangled, wavy/curly mess because the girl put her hair in a bun after dinner before she went to sleep.

Sighing she finally untangled it and quickly rinsed her mouth with water. The girl always did that, rinsing. It have her a somewhat fresher feeling after she woke up.

Skipping downstairs the girl grabbed a bowl of cheerios and some milk, mixing it together. Turning the kettle on, she grabbed a teacup and scooped two teaspoons of sugar in it.

After quickly eating her breakfast, the girl poured the water in her cup -both hot and cold, so she can drink it properly- and stirred it.

Carefully placing the cup against her lips the girl sipped her tea, glancing at her watch repeatedly to see how long she has left. Just as the clock hit 08:45, the girl finished and rushed upstairs to brush her teeth and gran her bag.

Running down the stairs this time, the girl quickly grabbed a note and scribbled a message to her grandparents on it;

Dear pop and Ona,

I left for school and will not be home before 05:30 p.m.

I need to complete an assignment in the local library,

if you were wondering.

With all my love,

Your granddaughter (dear, darling)


Stepping out of the sickening yellow School Bus, the girl went to her locker and picked up her books for the first three periods; math, English and French.

Quickly throwing in her schedule and pencil case, the girl shut her locker and walked towards the first lesson.

Taking a seat at the back, she pulled out her glasses waited for the bell to ring. Which it did, five minutes later.

"alright class, open your books on page 79 and lay out your homework in front of you. Please. Then you may continue with the new homework that I write down on the board for you kids." The teacher demanded.

Everyone did as was told and waited for the teacher to come by with her checkbook.

After the teacher was done he stopped by at the girls desk and checked her homework.

Quietly showing it to her teacher she looked up and looked at the lesson planning on the whiteboard in the front.

Scribbling her new homework down, the girl caught the teacher giving her a satisfied smile.

"I am very proud of you, miss Lancaster. You did not get one cross this year for homework or forgetting your books. Well done, keep it up." The teacher praised the girl.

Feeling the eyes of a few curious students on her, the girl quickly returned her gaze to her work and worked further.

Packing her books quietly in her backpack she looked at her watch and sighed. She still had fifteen minutes left. Plugging her earphones in, she scrolled down and clicked on her favorite song.

She didn't knew why it was her favorite, but the girl guessed she liked the way the artist sang the song. It was a happy one with a beautiful and to her also quite meaningful lyrics, for some reason.

As the bell rang, the students, along with the girl herself, stood up and left for the following lessons.

It was how a normal day went;

Lesson, lesson, lesson.


Lesson, lesson.


Lesson, lesson and another lesson.

Go home. Well, unless you had detention of some sort ofcourse.

And as the day went by, the girl was lucky she finished almost all her homework on time. Only she did not finish and struggled a little bit with economics. Which she didn't get to finish on time.

Stuffing all of her books in her locker except for economics, seeing as she still had to finish that. She put on her coat and walked out of the school to the library.

Entering the familiar building which she dearly loved, the girl smiled at the staff sitting behind the counter and walked up to the computers. Setting her backpack down next to her on the ground, the girl started the electronical device and went to her schools website to complete the assignment.

Another thirty minutes later she, shut the thing off and looked at her watch. Seeing she had a good fourty five minutes left to go home, which was a twenty minute walk from school and a fifteen , minute walk from the library. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and went through the aisles with fantasy books.

She had a love for fantasy but was also hooked on John Green's work. Looking for a book she didn't read yet -which is quite a task-, the girl ended up with a list of five books she could buy.

Glancing at the humongous clock on the wall, the girl saw it was already later than she expected and walked out of the library. Giving the staff another shy smile as she left.

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