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As the girl walked in to the cozy little home, she greeted her grandparents quickly and skipped upstairs.

Stepping into her room, the girl seated herself Indian style on the comfy chair in the reading corner and took out her homework from the backpack sitting on the ground next to her.

Opening her textbook and workbook the girl looked at the question she struggled with the most in class;


How can the rapid economic growth of the "Asian Tigers" in the 1980s and 1990s be explained?



Looking in her text book, the girl scanned the paragraphs where the answer should be in. After finding it and scribbling her answer down, she continued with the last few questions that were left and closed her books.

Sighing the girl puts on her pajamas and grabs the book she was close to finishing.

The girl somehow finds comfort in all the characters in the book she read, Jane for being such a obvious yet vague person, Will for being the smart idiot he is, John for his theories and poetically based answers and Alaska for showing her the life she could and maybe even would live.

Probably just a part of it, but still. A part is a part.

Of course Hazel, Augustus, Aurora, the Duke and not to forget Tobin and her favorite character all time, Jubilee. (The girl loves the name so much, she wants to name her child after that particular character). Can not be forgotten.

There are a hell of a lot more characters she remembers the names of, but doesn't particularly fancy them even though their action are quite hilarious.

Sighing the girl closes her book again and walks over to her white mini laptop, which is resting on the nightstand next to her closet.

Taking the piece of paper which has the names of some books she hasn't read yet on it out of her back pocket, the girl starts the small device and waits for it to log her in.

When all is done, the girl clicks on the 'Fire Fox' icon and waits for the search bar to pop up. Typing in the Waterstone's Web address she waits and clicks on the search bar.

Typing in the books she has on her list (which consists of Paper Towns, Daughter, Be Careful What You Wish For,The Divergent Series, If I Stay and Edge Of Eternity), the girl adds them to her shopping cart and purchases the books.

Completing the payment she walk over to her calendar and Crosses of the day the books should be delivered. Which could take a while since they had to be shipped from Amsterdam, Holland for some unknown reason.

Taking a deep breath, the girl , walks downstairs and goes to the kitchen.

"Ona?! do we still have leftovers from yesterday?" The girl yells.

"take a look in the fridge, I think we may have some." Her grandmother replies.

Walking over to the fridge the girl, opens it and searches for the leftovers. Seeing there actually aren't any, she grabs the package of bacon en some eggs. Taking out the sunflower oil and a small pan, the girl turns on the stove. Putting a small amount of oil in the cooking object, she quickly places the strips of bacon in them.

In the meanwhile the girl grabs a plate and a spatula for the eggs and bacon. Call her weird, the girl simply doesn't give an asshat about it. She thinks it's easier to take everything out like it's a pancake.

Putting the bacon on the plate, the girl adds some more oil and finally cracks the eggs in it. Waiting till they're done, she repeats what the girl has done with the eggs and turns off the stove.

Grabbing a fork and a knife, the girl takes a seat at the dining table and eats her food.

Finishing it of, the girl places her plate and cutlery in the sink and walks to the living area where her grandparents are seated.

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