Chapter 6

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  After eating all three if us were about stuffed full. The food Yoongi got me was very yummy, and by the looks of it their food was yummy if not yummier as well. Sometimes I wish I was able to eat seafood with them. But sadly, if I were to there would be a high chance of me going to the hospital since im mildly allergic. Yoongi and Kihyun are both watching me as I have what they call "my thinking face" on.
"Jagi?" Yoongi calls out to me. Surprised at the sound of his voice, I look up from where I was staring at the floor and shake my head slightly. "Yes? Sorry I was just thinking." They both chuckle and Kihyun pipes in. "We know, love. You had your thinking face in again." He smiles.
"O-oh. Sorry I was just thinking about how sometimes I wish I could eat the same meal as you two sometimes." They both share a look with each other. Yoongi puts a hand on my knee, and Kihyun places his hand on mine.
"Baby girl, we know why you cant eat the same food as we do some times. And we are both more than happy to order you something different. Thats better than having to take a trip to the doctor, yeah?"  Kihyun says to me. "Yeah, I guess you guys are right. I just feel bad sometimes." They both look at me with so much love in their eyes when I feel both of them embrace me. "Don't feel bad, its ok. We love you baby. Now how about we watch your favorite movie?" Yoongi says with a huge smile on his face, knowing damn well I wouldn't pass up on that offer. "Movies! Movies is what you mean, right oppa?" I giggle.
"Thats exactly what he meant, jagiya." Kihyuns says and nudges Yoongi. Yoongi nods and chuckles, "Yes, I meant movies. Go get them."
"BET!" I get up from my spot on the couch and run to the DVD stand next to our TV. "Ok, so I got Ponyo, Howls Moving Castle, and Totoro!!!!" They share a anile between them and chuckle lightly at me.
"Go put Ponyo in baby." Kihyun tells me. "OK OPPA!!!!" I yee back at him, excitedly.
  After putting the movie in I make my way back to the couch and snuggle myself in between the two of them. As the movie starts I sigh to myself in contentment. I wouldn't want to change anything in the world right now. I just want to live in this momemt forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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