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Alex picked up her bag and introduced her hand in the small pocket. My stomach growled at the smell.

A ham sandwich.

'How did you get it?!?', I said excitedly, 'When I woke up here, I didn't have any supplies...'

She laughed and divided the sandwich in two. 'I don't know..., this bag was by my side, maybe someone took yours', Alex handed me one of the slices.

We sat down on a fallen tree as we ate and chatted. Somehow, I felt extremely confortable with Alex, her constant smile and sweet voice reminded me of her.

My sister.

While talking to Alex, I remembered some of my past. Rose. That was her name.

I remember her playing hide and seek with me in the garden, her laughter, and her stunning blue eyes.

I remember spying on Rose when daddy took her to a separate room to "talk".

Then he shouted a lot, and I could hear my sister crying.

Daddy was a very bad person. He did horrible things to Rose. Every day she had more and more bruises.

But she was strong.

One day, after she had been hit by daddy, she came to me and said: 'Kira, promise me you won't ever let him do this to you', then she smiled and went to her bedroom with red eyes.

Rose is brave. Or at least she was.

She commited suicide when I was eight. The police found her body on the beach.

After that day, I decided to run away from daddy, to do what Rose would want me to do.

I packed and left. My memory is blurry then.

'Kira! Kira!', a voice said. I could sense someone shaking my arm.

'Wake up girl!', I saw Alex with worried face.

'You were like in other planet!', 'are you okay?'

I had terrible headache. 'Hey Alex...'

'Yeah girl?'

'Why are we here', I asked looking at the horizon.

She paused. It took some seconds for her to answer. 'I don't know'.

She jumped to the floor. 'I've been asking myself that question all day', 'I can't even remember what happened yesterday...'

'Someone is playing with us...', 'And I hate it', I said joining her.

We walked for hours without saying a word.

Suddenly, we reached a big cottage with a strange sign nailed to a close tree.

Main house.

It gave me the creeps.

'Do we really have to enter this place?', I said still glaring at the bright yellow poster.

'Do we have a choice?', 'we can't eat ham sandwiches forever'

So Alex knocked on the wooden door.

A tall blonde haired boy came to greet us.

He pointed at us with an identical to Alex's knife.

'Identify yourselves strangers', he said with shaky voice.

Alex giggled.

'Sorry for interrupting pretty face', I gave a hard look her way. We would end up dead if she kept talking.

'H-hi'...', I whispered. 'I'm Kira and she is Alex, we were hoping you would let us stay here for the night...'

The boy looked at us. Then he put the knife inside his belt and showed us a card with his photo and personal information.

'My name is Jeremy Riley', 'You must be the last ones, come in...'

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