Emyly ROsse MURDE

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emyly watch the t v and she see murder she says 'mommy momy i wnat to be like the man w the blood knife and murderos like him


emily takes nife from knife darwer and stabs her mother the blood is all over and she was finaly happy.

Mom calls the cops.

Emyly wos taken to the asylum and strapped to the eclectic chair so they could "fix her mind" and make her emotionless like the robits of sosiety.

She went to school and pretend not to feel anything but it is lies and she feels things like how she is bullied at shool for beig messed up in her mind. The bulles didn't hurt the bodey, they hurt...................the hart.

over Facebook they would pm her (private massage for all you knoobs ;((( ) mean things from her pics (pictures ;( ) like you look fat n no body will ever date u,, u r a LOSSER!!!!!!!

she started waring black clothes and she died her hair blue like tears to show the world she was not a robit

she greb the knife from a drarwer and put in back pack behind her math note-book that was actual only filled with harts with Jake Lockhearts name and Emyly Lockhart and Jake Rosse and all that. Jake had a jaw line and stunnig dark blue eyes sometimes they looked purple. He was the most poplar kid at the school so he didn't even know she exist.

1 day she was walk with knife in her bag with the feeling that she could not tell anybiody. The she saw her..........Hannah Mackenzie. She had blonde bleach hair with fake tan and blue eye and big bobs bcos she get surgy from dad. she was.........popular. Emyly hated Hannah because hannah bullyed her over FB (it means Facebook, ok?!?!?) Hannh said "nobody will ever liek you bcos you are fat warthog pig loser i hope you die!!1!" that is why emyly got despressed

emyly had the feeling to pull knife out of her backpack but she said no. not again.

she try to fight it but her mind was telling her that she had to,, she had to fulfill her need for blod and suffring.

She is in the class room. They group project by the teacher about ancient ejypt. Hannah Mackenzie, Justin Brooke, abd Kylie ohansen are all put in group with Emyly. They all hated her bcos they were populer and she wes nnot. They could not think of any ideads bcos they were DUM,

Emyly had idea

she said "m-m-m-m-may-maybe,,,,, we-we should, j-j-j-just m-make a diophrama o-o-of th-the ejyptin spincks!!"


Emyly felt tear roll down the cheek. She felt a feeling. A bad feeling. A feeling like she was about to be doing something that was very bad and she should not she had to resist but.............she could nOT!1!!!

She did not have the controll of her self. She wos angery. She reached for...the knife. She heard sone one say "..........DO IT."

Hannah Mackenzie says "oh my god is that a...knife?" She stabbed all of them in the chest. The screamed. Blood all over the classroom. She stab teacher and everybody in the school. She run into the forrest. Dark forest has full of creetures like her. She belogng in the darkness. It is the only pace that losers like her cud be excepted.

It was next morning when she woke up to a baetiful sun rise and all the birds where singing there very pretty song.

"I'm monster" she starts to sob. She will never be that girl she have been before.

Someone lifts her chin and wipes her tears. She screams.

"It is Jake Lockhert." said Jake Lockheart

i sa w what you have done. It was pretty cool how you did murder. you're so brave and pretty

I blushed. "T-t-t-th-th-th-th-thanks," She blushed.

Jake grabs the knife from her hand and says "I want to join you Emyly. Let's do this thing together." He smiled and tear roll down his cheek.

They made out for 2 hours before running into town, ready for a crazy niht.


JAke lockheart found dead he was stabbed and cut open his mouth was cut in smile.

Millionair Robert Mackenzie (Hannah Mackenzie's dad), was found dad in the park and also his whole family. The whole school died to.

The killer is a unknown, but she says i am in the darkness for you. if you see a knife it is me. I will get revege for bulling me and calling me fat. I will get you and kill you and your family to will die. I am coming. I am the Midnight Saddness Stabber.

The End,,,..,.,.,.,,, for now ;)

emyly rosse MURDERWhere stories live. Discover now