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"Yo F!"


"Can you check if Big B's home?"

"Ugh. Do I have a choice?"

"Nah boy. Nah."


"[Hey Dan!]"

"[Yo? Why are we whisphering?]

"[Get me his bag]"

"[Um okay?]"


"[He's gonna scream when he sees this hehe]"

"[Yo dude don't, he's kinda in a bad mood today.]"

"[He on a period? Hahaha!]"

"[Seriously dude don't.]"

"[It'll be fine.]"

"Hey Dave he ain't home but there's a note on the table. It says he's eating lunch at the diner."

"Big B never takes us with him when he goes out."

"[It's cause ya'll be sloppy eaters.]"

"What's that F?"

"[Ugh.] Ya'll seen my bag?"

"Here F! Catch!"

*throws bag*


*opens bag*

*a loud high pitched bang and thick black smoke came out of the bag*



*Faux clenched his fists*

"Ya'll better be ready for the consequences."

"Like what? You gon' scare us?"

"Boo! AAH! So scared! Hahaha!"


*Faux grabs a butterfly knife from his bag*

"Yo F chill out it's just a prank!"

"Yeah F chill out."

"I've had enough of both of you."

*Faux pounces at Dave and stuck the knife deep in his gut*


"C-c'mon man! W-why the h-heck did you d-do that?!"


*Faux turns to Dan, jumps closer and places the knife on his neck*

"I'll let you live."

"God. Thank you, thank you."


*Faux sliced Dan's throat and blood came squirting out*
*Dan choked in his own blood as he desperately gasped for air*

"Sorry man. I just. Don't care."

*door creaks*

"Yo I just could ya'll keep it down? I'm recording okay? Whoa. What the hell?"


*Faux slit Ben's throat mid-sentence*

"I never liked you too."


*a woman shrieked*
*she sprinted back into Ben's room and called the police*

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Uh send some help please! My boyfriend and his friends are dead and the criminal is still here. Please hurry!"

"Okay ma'am we'll send some help."


"Knock knock!"

"G-get away f-from me!"

"Open up! Don't wait for me to come in there!"


*door slams*

"Let me in!!!"

*police sirens*

"Aww. Party poopers. Guess I better leave now. Goodbye!"

*Faux grabs his bag and leaves the apartment through the rooftop*

10mins later

"What can you say about the killer?"

"He's a friend of theirs but I didn't know why he did that to them. He killed them!"

"Don't worry ma'am. We'll takr care of it. We'll bring you justice, we promise."

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