𝕥𝕒𝕘 𝟘𝟙

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before i even start, no; i'll never crop my photos and you can fight me lapputta

before i even start, no; i'll never crop my photos and you can fight me lapputta

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1. the person i like and why i like them
theres this senior in my school she's hella pretty and hella nice and im just sifjrbguidjcje

2. a famous person i've been compared to
nothing comes to mind sifjvjdjsk

3. 5 things that trigger me about the same sex/ opposite sex
i mean if we're talking in general, nothing pisses me off but honestly it all comes down to the person themselves. like you cant just say that all guys support prostitution and you cant say that all girls are sluts, right? movING ON

4.the best thing that has happened to me this week
i started writing out my fic called thunderstorms, and i have another one called blur coming too!! might also write out waffles :p

5.weird things i do when im alone
talk to myself and sing, hellA LOUD
6.how i'd spend ten thousand bucks
travel around, but seeing that its only ten thousand bucks without any fairytale exemption; i know my parents won't allow me to do anything so, big yikes sis, i'd probably spend most of it on food and like donate a big fraction of it

7.things i like and things i don't like about the way i look
i think my dimple is kinda pretty but i hate everything else

8. my last night out in detail
i literally don't remember the last time i left the house

9.something that makes me sad when i think about it
how i literally have 2 years of highschool left and i don't know the fuck im gonna do/ major in

10.something i've lied about
bein fine, that nothings bothering me

11.would i rather be stranded on a desert island with someone i love for ten years or someone i hate for a month,explain why
i'd rather be stranded with someone i hate because i wouldn't want to see someone i love suffer

12. something i'm currently worrying about
maths and physics bitj im gonna faiL

13. one person from tumblr i'd throw off a cliff, one i'd marry and one 'd fuck
i don't use tumblr so ye

14. something i do without realizing
stand on the edge of my feet

 something i do without realizingstand on the edge of my feet

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like,, this

15. lyrics that apply to my current situation/mood
dean's instagram,
Yeah so how are you these days?
I'm still the same, can't sleep
Your short hair looked so pretty
But I didn't press like
Cuz it just seems a bit funny

16 a drunken story
ya girly never drank

17,something i regret
not confessing to my crush last year, but oh well not like i'd ask around for her because im a fuckin pussy

18. post a picture of myself
how bout we keep that for another time? (;

19. my longest relationship and who it was with
i mean it was fake but it lasted about 2 months,,, w sheikhaalmahri

20. press ctri v and post
Yeah so how are you these days?
I'm still the same, can't sleep
Your short hair looked so pretty
But I didn't press like
Cuz it just seems a bit funny
nvm i'm tis the dean lyrics from earlier divhfnvjjdks

21, post a bit of my last IM convo
my phones w my mom, sissy is grounded

22. 5 things i want to change
1. my bedsheets
2.the way i see people; try not to be as kind, as easy to fool
3.fuckin try to stop being so anxious around new poeple, try to actually talk on the phone and actually ask for help when i need it
4. how unhealthy i eat
5.how i expect the best even though im certain it'll never happen

23, my view on being tumblr famous
hell yea, good for you???

24. someone i'd like to be for a day and why
a stray kids manager because holy shit i love them so much

25. 5 things within touching distance
a sweater, my hug pillow, my blanket, leggings, a plushy

26. story of my first kiss
never had a first kiss, unless you count the dares??? yea i kissed a girl in my class as a dare boi she doesn't know how to kiss like it was such a forced peck like pls leave

i  have no idea who to tag so i'll just tag some inactive mutuals and peeps
k bye im outa frens

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