To Mewni

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The ride back to the house was filled with comfortable silence. Toffee and Cosmo decided that there had been enough talking and simply remained silent. They were satisfied with what has been said. Though Toffee wished to disgust more about Cosmo's past. Particularly, the curse part.

Cosmo reverted back to her Mewman form after their talk. Being a Mewman was second nature for her. Toffee frowned at her decision but didn't say anything.

When they reached the house, Toffee and Cosmo were greeted with the sight of the kids running around and playing. Hearing the five of them laugh made them both smile. "They are a lively bunch." Toffee commented. "That they are." Cosmo agreed.

Rasticore was chasing them around the field. A smile was on the large lizard's face. He laughed along with them as he ran.

Seeing the large brute acting so childish stunned Toffee. The caped lizard man always tried to act tough. This is definitely not one of those days.

"I never pegged Rasticore for a softie." Cosmo said with a giggle. She watched the large lizard play with her kids and smiled. As she watched, Cosmo didn't seem to notice how Toffee seethed at the attention she was giving Rasticore.

"Rasticore!" Toffee shouted suddenly.

Rasticore was caught off guard by his leader's presence and ended up stumbling. The lizard tumbled and started rolling down the hill. Stella and Sandro followed after him by rolling on their own. Timothy and Martha continued running around.

"Oh, boy." Cosmo said as she ran after them. Toffee followed suit but kept walking.

"Ah, Toffee!" spoke Jack. The chameleon appeared out of thin air and greeted Toffee. "We were playing tag. It seemed to calm down the kids." he explained.

"That's alright. Did you find out anything by the children?" Toffee asked, returning to his stoic nature.

"The one-eyed girl, Stella, told me that Cosmo saved her from a knight. She said that Cosmo turned the knight into a mouse. And the antler-boy, Timothy, said that she made the house by herself." Jack said. He started listing off other information but Toffee didn't listen to the rest. The lizard focused on what Jack said first.

'She told me that she practiced spells to change her appearance. It wouldn't be a surprise for her to learn other spells. Though aren't royalty supposed to use magic.' Toffee reasoned. But it brought a bad taste in his mouth that this seemingly well-trained woman might know more magic than she said. Magic is the very thing he wanted to get rid of. Cosmo could be a threat if he doesn't think of a way to deal with her.

The General watched as Cosmo helped Rasticore stand up. Something stirred in his stomach as Cosmo checked for any injuries on the other Septarian. Toffee noticed the way Rasticore appeared to blush at her attention.

"Prepare the unicorns. The children and Cosmo are coming with us." Toffee told Jack.

"Yes, Sir!" Jack said.

As the chameleon hurried off, Toffee continues to watch Cosmo. This cursed woman had darkness inside of her, that he saw. She hasn't been able to show her real self. Maybe, if he was lucky, he can convince her to help him.


"Pack your things. Anything that fits in your bag can come with us!" Cosmo ordered.

After telling Stella, Sandro, Timmy, Marla, and Abe about the change of plans, they didn't complain. In fact, they were excited at the idea of being with more of their kind. Cosmo promised that she would help them find a new home. And she's doing just that.

The kids were running around the house, carrying items in their arms. Cosmo had to jump and dodge before she ended up being knocked over.

'Gah!' Cosmo thought as she hurried to her bedroom.

Shutting the door behind her, Cosmo was able to catch her breath. She lets out a big sigh as she started to pack. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' Cosmo thought even though she kept stuffing clothes in her bag. 'Toffee is the enemy. He murdered Queen Comet and fought my aunt!' Cosmo thought, growing angry.

Cosmo didn't realize she recognized Toffee until she connected the dots after the attack at the market. Meeting Toffee at Ludo's castle wasn't the first time she's seen his face. She's seen his face on the artwork that depicted every Queen in Mewni history. Cosmo wanted to kill him then and there. But she couldn't.

'If I kill him now, the future will be altered. It might affect Moon's reign as Queen. Star might not be born. Who knows what might happen!?' Cosmo thought. 'God, those time-travel movies that Marco showed me are making me over-think things.' she thought with a groan.

'I refuse to let my emotions get the better of me. I need to think of the kids.' Cosmo thought as she zips her bag shut. 'Now, where did I put my notebook?' Cosmo thought. Strapping her bag to her back, she leaves her bedroom and heads to her laboratory. She had to avoid the scurrying children that ran through the halls. 'It's like handling those laser puppies that Star creates!' Cosmo thought exasperated.

Quickly, Cosmo hurries to her lab and shuts the door behind her. When the door had shut, Cosmo noticed a pink glow that surrounded the room. Her tan skin became highlighted with the pink light, along with her clothes.

"What the?" she said aloud in confusion.

Spinning around, Cosmo was caught off guard by what floated in the center of the room.

Floating above the cauldron was a mirror. It glowed a bright pink color and emanate mist. Cosmo could see a figure through the mirror that wasn't her own.

Slowly, she takes a step closer and peers into the mirror. Her eyes widen in shock when she recognized the person on the other side. "Star." Cosmo whispered in amazement.

It was as if she was looking through a television screen. Star didn't know that she was being watched by Cosmo. Instead, the fifteen year old was talking with Marco in a panic. She kept skimming through the book of magic, probably trying to find a way to bring Cosmo back.

"I'm glad you are safe, Star. I promise I'll come home." Cosmo said happily.

'The spell was able to track down Star. Now I just need to find a way to travel through time.' Cosmo thought satisfied. After a month with no results, she's found something useful. 'But if I'm heading to the Kingdom of Mewni . . . I might be able to get a hold on Father Time!'

The urge to cheer was so great that Cosmo had to bite down on her hand. A big grin was on her face as she collected her notebook and practically skips out of the room.

'Finally, something is going my way!' Cosmo thought happily.

"Cosmo, we're ready to go!" Stella yelled from downstairs. "Coming!" Cosmo said cheerfully.

Greeting her was the group of children that she had gotten to know for the past month. They held bags that held everything they had. Everyone was ready to go.

"Okay, so we are going to be on the road for awhile. So I don't want to hear any complaints. Okay?" Cosmo said, giving them a pointed look. "Toffee told me that there is another monster village that you can stay in." she said. "I'm sure you'll be able to find a place to stay there and be safe."

Cosmo noticed frowns on all of the five children's faces. "What's wrong?" she asked worriedly.

"Does that mean you'll be leaving us?" asked Marla, a slime monster.

Her own smile faded and turned to a frown. "I told you all that I would take care of you until I find a home. All of you must be with your own kind." Cosmo said, reasoning. She pats Marla's head, ignoring the slime on her hand. "But I promise that I'll keep you safe until then." she promised.

Everyone gave Cosmo a big hug before they left the house. Outside Toffee, Rasticore, and Jack waited with their steeds and a large wagon.

Cosmo paused in her step when she saw Toffee. A tightness in her chest formed as he met her gaze. Toffee's lips twitched upward, giving her a small smile.

'This is an odd feeling.' Cosmo thought as she tried to ignore the feeling in her chest.

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