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The portal shuts itself closed once Glossarick and Cosmo walked through it. Shutting the door between Cosmo and Toffee. Cleaving the way for them to be together.

No longer feeling Toffee's eyes on her made Cosmo want to turn around and go back. She won't be able to see Toffee until . . . four months ago. Cosmo didn't know who he was then. At least she knows now.

A rush of nausea formed in Cosmo's stomach in a wave. Her knees buckle as she collapsed. Then she vomited everything she had in her stomach.

'I shouldn't have left him. I should've stayed.' Cosmo thought in despair as she continued retching. Tears continued to stream down her face. Her heart kept clenching in pain.

"My. My. Looks like someone can't handle their portal-hopping." Glossarick said.

"Shut up." Cosmo growled at him. Quickly wiping away the spittle from her lips, Cosmo picks herself up. She wipes the dirt from her clothes and crosses her arms. "Let's just keep going." she said.

"Alright." Glossarick said before floating forward.

The dimension that Father Time lived in was mystical place. The sky was night, showing galaxies and stars that moved in different motions. Clocks were scattered across the land along with hourglasses. There were also different types of animals roaming about.

"It's been awhile since I've been here." Cosmo said, gagging under the aftertaste of her vomit. "Looks the same."

"Except Father Time is running on his stationary hamster wheel. He isn't rolling around in the machine that Star designed for him. " Glossarick said.

"How do you know this much?!" Cosmo exclaimed.

Sometimes, the blue man can terrify her with the information he has. Glossarick is from this time, so how does he know about Star. Or Cosmo.

Does he travel through time whenever he feels like it? It would explain a lot.

The pair walk over hills and rivers filled with floating clocks until they reached the giant cog shaped like a hamster wheel. On it was a big man who was walking lazily as if this was a regular day. His hands were folded behind his head as he hummed to himself. Cosmo recognizes the white skinned and bald headed man as Father Time.

"Father Time. Glad to see you keeping time flowing as usual." Glossarick greeted.

Father Time stops humming and acknowledges the two. The large man waves to the two in greeting. "Glossarick! It's lovely to see you again! Oh, and hello Cosmo!" Father Time said.

"Hi, Father Time!" Cosmo said, not even wondering how he knows her in this time. She doesn't understand time travel.

"Father Time, could you send Princess Cosmo to her original time. Preferably, a few seconds after she disappeared?" Glossarick asked.

"Oh, sure! Let me just–"

"Wait!" Cosmo yelled suddenly, cutting off Father Time.

Both men look at Cosmo in confusion. "What is it, Cosmo?" Glossarick asked. "Did you forget something? Do you need pudding?" he asked, holding up a plastic cup of pudding. 'What is with him and pudding?' Cosmo thought as she shook her head in 'no'.

"No. I want to be sent to the current time that Star is in. I don't care how long I have been gone." Cosmo said. To be honest, Cosmo didn't want to face Star after being gone for so long when it will be a few seconds for Star. Even if Marco and Star were scared and looking for her. Cosmo wanted to be with them now rather than before.

"Are you sure, Cosmo? You may have been gone for a month but it's been three months since you've been gone in the future." Glossarick revealed. 'Oh, boy.' Cosmo thought. She has been gone longer than she expected. But she made up her mine. "I'm sure." Cosmo said.

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