Chapter 19 - Battle Of The Gods Saga

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[Third Person-POV]

Now it was morning,Gogita and Vegitta had woken up since today was a very special day

Gogita:Honey, wake up, it's morning~

(Y/N):Ugh...five minutes more...Zzzzz

Vegitta:Breakfast is ready!

(Y/N) quickly got up from the bed


Vegitta:Hehe not yet darling but I needed you out of bed, you did not want to be late for Gohan's wedding

(Y/N):Wedding?...Oh yeah! I almost forgot that,when will the wedding begin?

Gogita:In a couple of hours, enough to find some suits to go to the wedding

(Y/N):Oh...yeah, you know I've never used anything like that

Vegitta:We do not either but we must go elegant to our son's marriage

(Y/N):I think so but I think I'll be very uncomfortable wearing one of those suits

Gogita:You will look handsome, as you always have been 

Vegitta:And you can also see how we choose our dresses and how we wear it~

(Y/N):O-Okay, let's go now for those suits or whatever they're called

(Y/N)/Gogita and Vegitta flew to the nearest shopping center and in it they started looking for a clothes that they would use for Gohan's wedding and in addition to some gifts,After a few minutes of searching, they found a clothing store and began to see the different costumes that had

(Y/N):Wow and this is what people use, it does not seem like something that will protect you from a burst of ki or a big energy attack, it can even break easily

Vegitta:Hey honey! we already found everything we need

(Y/N):Really? Can we go home already?

Gogita:That's right, Hercule was very kind to give us all that money for having defeated Buu, now we have everything to go to Gohan's wedding to begin in an hour

(Y/N):Then we go home to get dressed, I think Goten and Trunks should have arrived too

Both nodded, Gogita and Vegitta grabbed hold of (Y/N)'s shoulder, he used the Instant Transmission to get to the house which was Goten and Trunks


Gogita:Hey sweetie,Have you already bought a gift for your brother and Videl?

Trunks:That's right, it's a gift for Videl, Bra and Ranch always say their mother use something to not look so old

Vegitta:I doubt that those words come from the mouth of Bulma and Launch

Goten:That's why we're going to give Videl this!...

Goten:That's why we're going to give Videl this!

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Male Saiyan Reader x Female Vegito X Female GogetaWhere stories live. Discover now