Chapter 35 - Battle For The Earth Saga

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[Third Person-POV]


(Y/N) screamed when Omega Shenron punched me in the chest and pushed him back

(Y/N):This is not fair, you have thorns coming out of your knuckles!

Omega Shenron:Well,of course,they are to destroy your bones

Omega Shenron charge against (Y/N),he blocked his attack and counterattack by kneading him on his face, Omega Shenron backed away and was about to attack (Y/N) again until Vegitti kicked him in the face and threw him into a building

Omega Shenron:What? Do you think that's going to stop me?

Gogita:No, but maybe this does BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA!!!!

Gogita screamed appearing in front of Omega Shenron and firing the Big Bang Kamehameha directly on him,Omega Shenron was completely caught by Gogita's attack

Once the attack dissipated,it was seen as the building that was behind Omega Shenron had disappeared but he was still alive and without any scratch

Gogita:Damn it!

Gogita jumped back,standing next to (Y/N) and Vegitti 

Omega Shenron:Good attack, a pity that could not do anything to me...Like that!!

Omega Shenron charged a ball of energy in his hands and threw it to Turles who was behind him, Turles dodged Omega's ki ball but failed to dodge the punch he gave him in his chest

Turles:Damn it! Uagh!!

Omega made a double axe handle hitting Turles on his head by throwing him on the ground but before he hit the ground he was caught by (Y/N)

(Y/N):*Pant*  you're good?

Turles:Almost, I do not think my Super Saiyan 4 can rival him,can't you release that Wrath Form you used against Baby?

(Y/N):I can't, without something making me very angry so I won't be able to release that power

Gogita:Do not worry, we'll take care of this

(Y/N) and Turles watched as Gogita and Vegitti stood in front of them

(Y/N):What are they going to do? a combined attack?

Vegitti:Something like that but since this guy is extremely powerful it's better to use heavy artillery

Turles:What do you mean with that?

Gogita:Just watch and learn, especially you (Y/N), you can watch everything you want~

Gogita and Vegitti began to gather a lot of energy causing several rocks around them to start floating,Omega Shenron who was fighting against Raditz and Nuova stopped to feel as the ki of Gogita and Vegitti increased abysmally

Omeg Shenron:W-What is that power?

Raditz:That is the great power that has the fusion between my sister and the princess of all Saiyans!

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