Break up

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Hey guys, I'm actually going through a break up right now so I'm actually very depressed but I hope you enjoy this and enjoy my pain lol jk anyways it'll get hard (that's what she said) for me to write books so thank you for your patience.❤️❤️❤️

Battle of the classes? What a night! Tug of war, the seniors throwing dodgeballs at the freshmen,guys with out shirts on for some reason..... not complaining by the way! I sit in the bleachers with my black shorts,white tu tu on,red and white knee high socks,red bandanna, and obviously being extra when it came to my makeup. This year was different. Half of the freshmen class showed up, almost all of my class showed up, and the others.... well there was a lot! Tug of war finally came, I'm enjoying the sight of people struggling for the rope,then, I caught a glimpse of my ex boyfriend Colby Brock..... sitting with my friend?! What?! No, no way! My friend Alex noticed I was looking. She waved me over. Wait.... since when!! Why am I getting involved? I decided to make my way down, my palms are sweating, my heart is going 100 mph right now! Am I gonna die right now. There I sat, like a joke. "Hey y/n" Colby smiled? What is going on! "Y/n,Colby and I were just talking about you" she smiled,but also giving me a quiet sign that something serious came up. "Oh really?" I looked at Colby, then back to Alex. "I need to talk to you alone" colby suggested. "Where at though?" I raised an eyebrow. I can't believe my ears. "Follow me" he stood up and started walking up the bleachers. Alex gave me one more look before following behind him. Colby led me out side and to the side parking lot. "Colby, what do you need to talk to me about?" I said kinda annoying. How could Colby froget? That night?

The house smelled of alcohol. Me and my friends are chilling out. My boyfriend Colby's god knows where. Maybe I had just a little too much? Perhaps...... 2 or 3 maybe even 4 drinks? The red cups just won't end. My drunken sick body wondered upstairs trying to find the bathroom. I wondered in to a random room. "Colby?!" There sat colby, with a girl that he was just making out with.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Colby began to talk. "Look y/n it was bad, I was drunk, completely out of it. She kissed me at the same time you walked in. I didn't want her! I wanted you I tried to back up,but, her hands held my face still...." Colby rubbed his face. He was trying
to wipe tears away with out me noticing but I couldn't help but notice his eyes glistening.

To be continued.....

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