chapter 5

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After a few minutes of walking and facing dead ends, the two still couldn't find the exit. "Does this maze have a map before you go inside??" Lisa huffed and rotates her arm.

"No. It probably doesn't have a map. Wait, I got an idea!" The guy said and pushed Lisa making her bent down.

"W- Hey!! What are you doing?? And why are you climbing on my back!? You're heavy!" Lisa huffed in pain as the guy push Lisa down.

"You're gonna carry me as you walk while I just say the directions!"

"What!? Why don't YOU carry me since I'm LIGHTER than you!"

"Oh! Great idea! C'mon then skinny legend!" He bent down and Lisa rolled her eyes before climbing on top of him to his shoulders, she immediately grab a hold of his hair.

"Hey! Don't be a perv okay!" Lisa said as she moved her legs, his hair tickling her thighs. "Whats so funny? Why are you giggling?" He asked.

"Your hair just kept tickling my thighs." Lisa gently flicked his ear. "H-hey!" He said and she can see he was blushing. 'Cute.'

He stood up making Lisa grab a hold of his hair. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Oooww!!" He yelped in pain. "Hey! Watch the hair!"

"Oh! Sorry."

He started walking with Lisa sitting on his shoulders. While walking, it was getting a bit awkward. "H-hey, you haven't told me your name yet." Lisa spoke up while searching for the exit.

"I'm uhhhhhh.... I'm V. I'm 19. You?"

"V? My name's Lisa. I'm 18."

"Cool, what school do you go to?" He asked.

"I-I'm home schooled."

"O-oh, so that means you've never been inside a school before?" V looked at her. "Sadly, no." Lisa replied and shrugged.

"So, you didn't came here alone didn't you?"

"No, I'm actually here with the Chou Family." Lisa said and looked for the exit.

"Ah the Chou Family."

"Have you seen the exit yet?" He asked her.

"H-huh? Uhhhhhh..." Lisa drifted her eyes elsewhere and suddenly found the exit. "T-there! Just keep walking straight then turn right."

"Finally!" V exclaimed.

"Hey are you sure that I'm light enough for you? I'm not heavy at all?" Lisa blushed when she just thought about him.

"Yeah, you're lighter than I expected. Now which way?"

"Turn left, then straight ahead, and turn right."

She directed and V started to speed up, making Lisa nearly fall off but grabbed his hair while V puts his hands on her legs to maintain her balance.

V couldn't help but blush at what his hands are touching at the moment.

Moments later, they finally reached the exit. V continued walking. "H-hey, you can p-put me down now. S-someone m-might see us..." Though V didn't responded until they reached the terrace.

V slowly bent down and Lisa finally got down on her feet. She immediately wore her shoes and dusted herself. "Ah, finally. We got out. It took long than I expected." Lisa said followed with a sigh.

V peeked through the glass door and saw people sitting on their tables while a person is giving a speech.

"Let's stay here for a while, it would be rude if we just burst inside the building." V said and leaned on the terrace.

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