Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

One morning, I am at the office, doing some paperwork. Ichiru at my desk picking on me like he did most mornings. It was like having a little brother who always picked and teased me. I didn't mind it at all. After I got over the fact that he looked so much like Zero, we became very good friends.

As I am putting the paper into the copy machine, I look out the window, seeing something I never thought. I would ever see. Something I prayed Would never happen. I see Zero outside next to his car, talking to Yuki. My heart stops and my knees get weak. Ichiru noticing right away. Going to the window to see what I am looking at. He just stands behind me, not sure he is seeing this correctly either.

What happens next neither of us, sure about. We see Yuki, move in close and kiss Zero passionately. It's like I'm not in my mind, or the world. It's like I'm watching a soap opera. This isn't the man I adore with her. Please tell me it isn't so. We watch as both of them get into the car and drive away.

I stand there not even able to breathe, tears just stream down my face. I lost the battle. One I thought was over a long time ago. Ichiru just looks at me, not finding anything funny to say about this. He knew what this meant. It seems to hurt him as well.

"Look, Maybe it wasn't what we thought? Maybe it was just a goodbye kiss." Ichiru states Trying to make light of this.

"What is she doing here? Why did she come back? He didn't push her away Ichiru, He kissed her back. He got into a car with her and drove off, not even telling me she is here." I shout.

"I can't blame him for not telling you. He knew it would upset you. We just have to keep our calm about it. I don't know why she is here. Maybe just to see if he is ok? Its been awhile." Ichiru answers.

I just go back to my desk, my nerves taking over me. She was here to take my life away. To take him back with her. Everything I was always worried about was now coming to life. I was going to lose him to her. The sad part was, I didn't think I could do anything to stop it. I saw how he leaned in to kiss her back. How he was just looking at her, the way he always did. I couldn't replace that. I couldn't change it either.

I see Ichiru go into his office. He seems very upset as well, just trying to keep it from me. He knew how much I loved his brother. He didn't want to see me hurt.

"Zero, this is your brother pick up the damn phone. What the fuck are you doing? Your wife and I saw you with Yuki. She saw her kiss you!! She is very upset. Where are you? Pick up this fucking phone! "Ichiru shouts.

When Zero left with Yuki it was going on two thirty. It was now time for me to pick up ZJ from school. I couldn't wait at the office to see what time Zero returned. I had other things I had to take care of. Just at the moment, I was shaking and barely able to drive. Which Ichiru notices.

"Hey, I will drive you to pick him up and take you home. I wouldn't mind spending some time with the boy either. We get along really well." Ichiru states.

"fine," I reply.

Not fully there, so many thoughts running through my mind it was pounding. I could accept anything just not this. To lose to her? I didn't have thoughts that he would still want me after this. Even though we were together so long and have more history in a way then he does with her. I just saw how he felt about her in the Manga, how he never let her go. I felt I was doomed.

We pick up ZJ and head home. Ichiru helps him with his homework as I try to make dinner. I just put some easy pasta and sauce together with a salad. I am in no mood for much of anything. I see the time ticking away and Zero still isn't home. I don't even bother to call him. Why? It wasn't going to change anything. I wasn't going to chase after him or beg. I was even too hurt to try.

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