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"I'm going to miss you Zion." "Imma miss you too Mom." "Oh my lord you are going to be so far away from me. I won't see you everyday and I won't be able to call you every day. I'm so scared but I'm also so proud of you Zion. You are going to do great things but please remember your father, siblings, and of course me." "Mom you know I could never! I love you so so much and I will call you as soon as I get to there, I promise." " I love you Zion." "I love you too Mom."

Flight 285 from Canada to California is now boarding.

"That's me I have to go. Bye mom." I give my mom a long hug and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Bye sweetheart. Be safe please!" "I will!" I give her one last wave and then I board the plane. I'm going to miss my family so much but I can't believe that I'm going to be a part of a band. I get to pursue my dreams and that is what let me leave my family in the first place, otherwise I would've stayed.

I board the plane and I sit in my seat which is the aisle seat because you know that your boy got some long ass legs no cap!😂 I slide in my seat and select a movie to watch. I choose Girls Trip because even though the movie is really for girls I love that movie! It will forever be iconic. This is going to be a short 5 hour flight so I'm in the middle of my movie and I start falling asleep. After five minutes I fall asleep and I'm asleep for the entire ride. The flight attendant had to come wake me up. I get out of the plane and take the shuttle to the main part of the airport. Then I take my luggage and start walking to see if there was anyone waiting for me.

I soon see a sign that says Zion Kuwonu on it and I immediately recognize the guys. I see Nick, Austin, and Edwin but I don't see glasses. I wonder where he is. I'll ask when I talk to them.

"Wassup guys! Glad to see y'all again." The guys respond with a chorus of hey's and hello's. "Are we missing one or am I tripping?" They start laughing and then Edwin speaks up, "No, Brandon just went to the bathroom. He'll be back in about five minutes." "Ight bet. We'll just wait no worries."

I take this as an opportunity to call by mom and tell her that I'm in LA. ( ZION IS IN BOLD AND HIS MOM IS IN UNDERLINE)

"Hey Mom. I just wanted to let you know that I made it to LA because I know you worry too much."
"Hey Sweetheart. I'm glad your safe and I'm glad that you are okay. I love you and continue to stay safe."
"I will Mom I love you so so so much!"
"I love you too baby."

I hang up the phone and then all of a sudden a really cute guy walks into the room. Okay, cute is a damn understatement...HE'S SO FUCKING HOT!!! Like god took his fucking time. I must've been staring at him because he's been looking at me and hen gave me a small smile before walking up to me.

"Hey I'm Brandon. You must be Zion. Nice to meet you by the way." "It's nice to meet you Brandon and yeah I'm Zion." "Cool I need some help to take my stuff into my room and then maybe we can get to know each other. Cool?" "Yeah that'll be cool."

I go out to the U-Haul truck outside and grab some boxes and take them to his room right behind him. I put the boxes down on the floor and he starts putting some of them on top of his closet. He slipped off of the stool and fell right in the arms. Now to say that I was shocked and happy was a damn understatement! He's just looking into my eyes and I get to admire them without being weird. Chocolate brown. He has chocolate brown eyes. I love them they are a dark brown when he's in the shade but under some sunlight them things is poppin!!!

"Um Zion...can you put me down now?" He let out a small chuckle. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry." "It's fine and thanks for catching me. If I fell I know I would've busted my ass." "It's really no problem Brandon."

Now this is the part where they realize that they like each other and then later in the story will get together and live happily ever after, right? Wrong!! See the problem with that is that Zion isn't out the closet. Not because he's ashamed of himself but because he didn't know how people would react. If they would be happy for him, disappointed, sad, or angry. He didn't know and just for that he wanted to play it safe with Brandon because if they did get together than he would have to explain to his family that he was gay and that would make havoc. Especially with his dad. So for that he was going to keep himself in the closet for right now.

"I'll leave you alone to unpack Brandon. The rest of the guys aren't here yet but when they are we'll get some food, but for now imma let this fucking jet lag take the fuck over." Brandon let's out a chuckle and turned to face me. "Me and you are going to be great friends Zion! Let that jet lag consume you the fuck over alright." "Alright Brandon."

What's up everyone on Wattpad? I'm the author of this book obviously and this is my first book. After reading stories for the past year I wanted to write one and I really hope you guys enjoy!! Btw totally are never going to edit these so if there are mistakes i'm srry but i'm a human so it's gonna happen. 🤷🏾‍♀️ So who's pulling up to Fomo Tour guys?!

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