Hanging out at the Café

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You sat at the café drinking some tea and starring at the empty chair in front of you.
'He might have fell asleep, Man sleep sounds good right now'
Considering how young you were you shouldn't be alone in a Café but yet here you were, because you had an irresponsible dad,but sadly, he was better than a lot of dads are.
You heard a ding in the door, more like a slam, and the door opened. Your dad rushed over to you and sat in front of
you, he wasn't wearing a mask or his suit so he got a lot of weird looks from people.
"Hi taco."
He ruffled your hair as you looked a him. The waiter came over a few seconds later and looked at you and your dad like you guys were crazy, which you guys were.
"C-Can I have your order, anything to drink today?"
You looked at your dad.
"2 hot chocolates."
The waiter wrote that down on his notepad and took our menus. He smiled but it honestly looked like it hurt him a bit. Once the waiter walked away you and your dad sat in silence.
"Happy birthday."
"Hey dad?"
"Is pencil hands coming over? He's cool."
"Probably busy Uber driving."
You both snickered. You called Wolverine pencil hands because your dad thought it would be funny to put pencils in between his fingers, and go out in the streets (with his suit on) yelling "I'M PENCILERENE BITCHES." New York would be so boring without Wade in it. You looked up at Wade and sighed.
"He probably forgot I'm 13 today,"
"Probably the case."
The water came back with your hot chocolates and handed them to you.
"Anything e-else?"
"We're good."
The waiter walked away, and if your wondering why he didn't ask you to pay, it's one of those cafes where you pay first, then get your food. You both drank in silence, talked a bit, and got up and left. You were back at the apartment now, where Deadpool was making pancakes and you were watching John Carter of Mars, because it's an amazing movie. You heard a ding, and looked at your phone.

-Happy 13th Birthday.-
Read 3:01pm

-Thanks Logan."
Read 3:02pm

You turned off your phone and continued watching your movie. Your dad came over with a huge stack of pancakes, and you both ate them while watching movies.

Sorry about taking so long, I have no excuse except I'm lazy. Love ya ♥️

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