Was she strong enough to find courage?

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Sanem sat in the car in front of Can's home. Tears in her eyes had dried long ago from all the memories they shared here.. Here, the place where she found the strenght to confess her love to Can for the first time. Here, where they shared embraces, looks, and kisses that shook her down to her core. He helped her become a woman. A woman scared about the future, but surrendering to the strenght he offered. She wore the amber heart pendant for courage she needed at this very moment..

The child in the back seat cooed and giggled, unaware of the steps her mother was about to take. Sanem took the child in her arms, hugged it and went to the doors. She believed, ney, she felt that she needed to speak with Mr. Aziz. Reveal to him he had a grandchild. So much fear and hope ran through her vains. But she was strong enough now. Can would not understand, not want to do anything with her, and she accepted it.

But the grandfather had the right to his grandchild...

She rang the bell, and it echoed through her soul. The door that was so familiar to her opened. Aziz gleamed with delight to see her even if he was a bit puzzled. He smiled at the child, and her happy eyes. They went inside and Sanem realized he was not alone. Aunt Remide smiled at Sanem and all of Sanem's fears disappeared. She had received so much love and support from Aunt Remide in the past year...

Sanem took her time but finally revealed to them the identity of the child she held in her arms. Aunt Remide smiled and with no unnecessary words told her that she felt that since the beginning, and that she understood why the child meant so much to Sanem. Aziz looked baffled at first but then his face softened and he asked to hold the child. As he held her, his eyes filled with tears and love. He was after all holding a part of him, his legacy.

Aziz understood the pain Sanem felt. He, too, knew the hardship of raising a child on his own, after all Huma left him and took Emre after her own affair, and offered little consolation in leaving Can for him to care for. And he only found solitude in clinging to Can. Their stories were different, Aziz knew that. And although after a while he had found he could confide in another woman, but he also understood that Sanem and Can were one of a kind. As someone from the sidelines he saw that they only loved each other, would never be able to find peace away from each other, and he knew his cousin Remide understood that as well.

The child fell asleep in his arms and it reminded him of Can. Though Can was all grown up now, he was broken inside and needed to be healed in order to restore balance in himself, and their family. And Sanem and his grandchild were a part of the family now. For good. He would make sure of that...

Can stood at the door and could not believe what he saw. So she hid the child from him, but not his family. How much did they know? How long have they known? The words he had prepared so carefully for the moment he could face Sanem again felt dull and pointless. He could not speak, dry in his mouth. He could not move, his feet felt like a magnet Sanem had mentioned at the opera when he revealed he was Albatross. He understoot that perfectly now. He could only stare, fighting back words of fury, but most importantly fighting back tears.

He realized now how coming back may have been too much for him to bear....

ERKENCI KUŞ CAN & SANEM REUNITED HOPEWhere stories live. Discover now