Not so tough (jamilton)

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Ham Ham's POV

"Okay class, as you know you are doing a project over break with a partner. " Da- Mr.Washington told us
" But I will be picking partners. ".

Groans and whines of protest flew all over the room.

" Yeah yeah, it's the end of the world, I know. Does anyone remember what the project is about? ", my hand immediately shot up. " Son? " " I'm not your son and we are supposed to write an essay on a mental disorder of our choosing, " I tell him.

I heard Jefferson say under his breath " Daddy issues, ". I swear I wanted to slap him so bad.

" Good. Now for partners, Amanda and Wendy, Sally and Martha, Angelica and Paine, Alexander and Jefferson-". I stopped listening to him when he said that.

Me and Jefferson?! What is he thinking?! I can't work with Jeffershit!
I turned and glared at my partner, but stopped when I saw him. He facing forward but his gaze was emotionless.
You could tell he was lost in his mind.

~Time Skip~

Jefferson and I met up outside. "Your house, " He told me when I asked who's house we were going to. "Why my house?! " "Because I don't want a gremlin like you to contaminate my house, ".

I glared at him but he didn't seem fazed by it. " ALEX! " "JOHN! " He ran over to me with Laf and Herc at his heels. "Hey guys, " "Hey dude. " "Bonjour mon ami, " "HEY! ". I noticed Jefferson flinch when Herc yelled, but ignored it.

" Wow you got Jeffershit as a partner?! " John asked " Yeah unfortunately, ". " You better tell me if he hurts you Mon frère! ". " I will don't worry, but I can take him if I want. ".

Jefferson cleared his throat and checked his nonexistent watch. My friends glared at him. " We should get going, " He pulled out his car keys and tossed them to me.

"Why-" " I don't drive. Mads drove this mornin' but he was sick so he went home early,". I smirked " You can't drive? " "I can I just won't because if...reasons, ".

I dropped the subject and instead asked " Can my friends come? " "Yeah sure, you can bring your friends and boyfriend, ". " HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND! " I say, we're best friends.

Gay turtle's POV

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, " Jeffershit said. My entire face was red, I like Alex but he would never like me back.

We finally got to Jefferson's car:

Alex got in the drivers seat, Jefferson in the passenger seat, and the rest of us in the back

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Alex got in the drivers seat, Jefferson in the passenger seat, and the rest of us in the back.

"What's your address? " Alex asks Jefferson " Wait what?! We're not goin' to my house! " "Yeah we are, now address, ". Jefferson grumbled but gave him the address.

~Time Skip~

T.Jeff's POV

We made it to Monticello, I was silently praying that my dad wasn't home.

We got to the door and I hesitated to open the door. " Open the door already! " Hamilton said, sounding annoyed. I pushed open the door and to my relief I didn't see my dad.

I wish I would have seen him...

WOW! I'm evil! Part 2 will be out soon! BUH BYE!!!

Was listening to this^^^

Word count: 524

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