TELL HIM (mullette)

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Large Baguette's POV

"You have to tell him at some point! " Yells John. " I don't have to tell him anything! " I yell back.

"How are you gonna know if he likes you back if yOU DON'T TELL HIM! ".

"You have to tell him! " "Not until you tell Alex you like him! " I scream back, causing John's entire face to turn red.

"'t try to change the conversation! " He said, red in the face " You have to tell Herc!" .

"Tell me what? " Asked Herc as he entered the room. "NOTHING! " "Laf likes- " " BAGUETTES! I like baguettes... " .

"Okay... Why did you need to tell me that? " . "Just should...
know, *nervous laugh*, " "Mhm...okay then see you guys later, ".

Herc leaves the room.

" What was that! " John screams once Herc is gone. "I don't know! " I scream back.

"Why did you tell him you liked baguettes! "
" I panicked okay! "
"You could've just let me finish my sentence! "
"I couldn't let you just tell him I like him! "
"NO! "
"YES! "

"CAN YOU BOTH SHUT UP! " Herc yells at us " You have been screaming for half an hour! Why?! ".

" Laf likes someone but won't tell them, " John says before I can stop him. "...Oh... ", is it just me or did Herc's smile falter, probably not.

" Well? " He asks me "Well what? "
" Who do you like? "
"...I can't tell you, "
"Why not? "
"You'll hate me..."
"Laf you're my best friend, I could never hate you, "
"Yes...? " Herc says expectantly

"Je suis amoureux d'un homme.Cet homme est doux, gentil, fort et protecteur.Il est beau à tous points de vue.Je suis tombée amoureuse de lui au moment où je l'ai regardé dans les yeux,ses beaux yeux bruns qui éclipser le soleil du matin.Je l'aime de tout mon cœur, mais s'il découvre que je suis pan et ... ilne l'aime pas. Et s'il ne ressent pasle même et je perds mon amour et mon meilleur ami. Ces pensées peste mon esprit jusqu'à ce qu'ils détruisent mon espoir.Cet homme, Hercule, c'est toi.Je n'ai pas honte d'admettre que moi, marquis de Lafayette, je suis amoureux d'Hercules Mulligan. " When I finish my speech I look down so I wouldn't have to look at Herc.

(Don't worry I will translate in the description)

I didn't want to see how he would react anger, confusion, fear?

Suddenly my head is pushed up by Hercules and he says, "I'm glad Alex taught me French, " , and he does the unimaginable... He kissed me. And I kissed back.

When we finally pull away I yell

That was terrible! Sooo here's what Laf said,

"I'm in love with a man. This man is sweet, kind, strong, and protective. He is beautiful in every way. I fell in love with him when I looked him in the eyes,his beautiful brown eyes that outshine the morning sun. I love him with all my heart, but what if he finds out I'm pan and ... he does not like it. And what if he does not feel the same and I lose my love and my best friend. These thoughts plague my mind until they destroy my hope. This man, Hercules, it's you.I am not ashamed to admit that I, Marquis de Lafayette, am in love with Hercules Mulligan."


Word count: 571

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