My nerdy neighbor.

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Hailey was new to the Queens' University, so when she entered the class, no one knew her and people were talking about her appearance; she was a punkish girl, what was she doing here. Is she even in the right class? Whatever.

She sat next to the nerdy guy, out of all the chair remaining, she chose this one; she knew he would be extremely clever, and that she would copy on him for tests. And also, he's a cute little nerdy guy.

He looked away from her, kind of intimidated. She looked at him, concerned. "What's your name dude?" She asked, trying to make him less afraid of her.

"I'm.. Elon.. Elon Musk." He said, shyly. She smiled at him, handing him her hand.

"Hailey, nice to meet you mate." She said, shaking his hand. She then crossed her arm on the table, putting her head on them. She already found this class boring, but at least she knew this nerdy boy was going to be here to save her year.

"Aren't you going to get your stuff out of your bag, Miss Hailey?" The teacher asked. Hailey violently smashed her bag on the table, took her pencil case and a bloc note out of it and then put it back on the floor.

"Happy?" She said, falsely smiling, exaggerating her joy. She wanted everyone here to know that you shouldn't mess up with her.

She turned to watch Elon, focused on a copybook he has next to him, she couldn't see what it was. "Sorry for the bothering, Alien." She apologies, looking at him.

"No problem. It's Elon.. not Alien though." He timidly said, still doing god knows what on his copybook.

"What are ya doing?" She asked, curious. Was he drawing? Was he an artist? He doesn't seem like one.

"No-Nothing.. Just.. Nothing." He said, trying not to get distracted by the crazy-looking girl next to him. She was the kind of bad-girl, why is she trying to socialize with a geeky boy?

"C'mon, lemme see!" She said, kind of pushing Elon to take his book, joking with him. It felt good for Elon that someone finally like him, other than his 'friends', although he knew they were just using him because he was a genius, but she also kind of bothered him as he tried to work on his 'hobby'; calculating things, sketching rockets, cars, things like that.

"No! Stop Hailey! I'm not consenting!" He said, quietly, trying not to bother the class, even though he knew his neighbor was. He tried to take his book back as Hailey tried to take it as well.

"Sounds like I'm raping you, Alien!" She said before busting out of laughter, finally taking the copybook as Elon stopped forcing by fear of damaging the book. "Let's see what we have.. Hum.. Math, uh?" She asked, kind of lost.

"Yeah, it's hum.. It's a personal thing.. I-" He said, nervous, before getting cut off by his counterpart.

"Wow, that's a good rocket! Why aren't you doing that instead of Math!" She said, going through the pages, amazed by the drawings, how calculated they were, how technical, that was crazy.

"Well Math and those drawings are actually related as the part right here is how to calculate the weight of a regular rocket compared to the weight of such rocket, I also needed to know how tall it should be and how many rockets we could make with little money and-" He said, passionately whispering, praying no one was going to get bothered by him.

"Wow you're really into that kind of stuff, Alien suits you quite good, Alien." Hailey said, smiling at him. Handing him his book back.

The course stopped as the bell rang, the day was finally over. Hailey went to her apartment, almost collapsing on her sofa. 'Shitty day' She thought, 'this school is already so full of shit'. She remembers all the weird looks people gave her when she enters the class. Everyone, except that Alien guy. She liked him.

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