Empty Your Mind.

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Elon was in a good situation. He had five children, a stable relationship, his life was going as good as it has never been. He went at work at 8 AM, came home at 8 PM, didn't work on Sunday, have time for his children, for his girlfriend, once a week they went on date nights in fancy restaurants. He helped his children to read, to do math, physics, make rockets and electric cars, everything was normal. A basic billionaire life.

Such a peaceful life, such an amazing routine. But here was the problem; we are talking about Elon Musk. He's not a 'routine' guy, and he started to get quite bored with all of that. He wanted changes. He needed changes.

One day, Elon woke up earlier than usual. He couldn't get asleep anymore. Something was wrong today. He woke up, went to the bathroom to take a shower, brush his teeth, went to his children's room to see if they are all good, and went to work, at Tesla, around 6 AM. Something was off, it felt strange. It felt like something was missing.

For months now he felt like a hole in his heart. Like if something was missing here. Like if his love interest in his wife was slowly going away. He thought of it in his desk room, playing with some stress-ball that was lying around on his desk, watching the sunrise. He watched the time; 9 AM. Everyone should be here by now. He took his phone and called his secretary.

"Amaris? Can you come to my desk please?" He asked. He needed to talk to her about his feelings. About his actual life. It was something very common for both of them, to talk openly about their lives to each other.

Amaris was the older child of a friend of Elon, she was 23 years old, rose-ish/blond hair, brown eyes, glasses that were nerdy yet fashionable, and a very fashion kind of style. She wasn't really made for a 'secretary' job, but she needed it. She needed a job.

And as soon as Elon hanged up the call, she was here. She sat in front of him, looking at him deeply in his eyes, waiting for him to talk.

"I don't know if I love Grimes anymore." He said, tired. "I'm so empty. I left home without even looking at her. I try to love her. I try to do it like I used to. I need changes. I'm not someone that can work with.. a routine thing." He said, his head between his hands. "I'm so tired."

"It's okay, it's alright." She said, smiling at Elon, trying to comfort him. "You can sometimes feel like you love her a little less, emotions aren't constant. You can doubt your relationship, it's not like-"

"I've thought of breaking up with her." He cuts her.

And there was a silence. Amaris was looking shockingly at Elon.

"I've thought of it for a while. But I still feel something towards her.." He looked at her. "What am I doing.."

"Are you.. sure?" She asked. "I mean.. Dude, come one. You already broke up with her once. You can't-"

"I still loved her. I don't know anymore. Amaris, I need.. I need.. I need to do something. To.. Like.. I don't know.. See other horizons. I.. I don't know dude!"

Amaris looked at him, not knowing what to say. Elon was that kind of man; he took the conclusion of his feelings too easily, he 'fell in love' too easily as well. To be honest, no he didn't. He didn't fell in love. He just confounds liking and loving. He rushed into relationships because he was afraid to be lonely. And that's why Amaris was quiet; she was the opposite. She rarely fell in love, she hated being in a relationship because it was a waste of time, a restriction for her. So she had no idea what that felt like to lose love interest in someone. In her short lifetime, she has only liked someone once enough to care about them. And it ended horribly, so she never really liked being in a relationship anymore.

"E3." She then said.

"What?" He asked thinking he misheard her.


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