One for the road.

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After Elon proposed to Tallulah, they went on planning their wedding, everything needed to be perfect. However, Elon has zero knowledge of the most important thing Tallulah wanted; "Dance". What the fuck is Dance? He was so lost. So she put him in contact with one of the best dancer of the state, a professional ballet dancer. Her name was Morfée.

"Hello?" Elon heard for the first time the light and soft voice, with a slight French accent, on the other side of the phone. He could only think of what she looked like; blond, with a bun maybe, long hair, maybe with her dance outfit and thing, he could only think of that.

"Yeah hello? I'm.. My name is Elon. Hm, I'd like to know if you could help me to.. Well.. Dance." He said, very shyly. It was not unusual to talk to a dance teacher for him, so he was shy.

"Okay, yes I can, I guess aha. Can you come when you can, I'll see how much we have to work and when will be our class. Of course, it's not free, so take what you need. When can you come?" She said, her voice getting a little less soft as if she was preoccupied. "My class end at 7 PM, would you be free?" She asked, a little more focus.

"Hm yeah yeah, I guess. See you at.. 7?" He asked, playing with some object on his desk. He needed that class to make Tallulah happy, he needed to keep her. He looked at the picture near his computer; it was her, him and his five children one day in Sydney, smiling. He looked away.

"Alright. I got to go, see you later then!" She said, her soft voice coming back. It made him smile, he already liked her voice. He said goodbye before putting his phone on his desk.

He looked at his desk phone and pressed a button on it to call his assistant. "I'll be gone at 7 PM, I don't know when I'm coming back." He said, smiling. He then started to work again, doing god knows what on his computer, the thing that only him understand.

7 PM came faster than he thought it would. He looked at the sky; it was a little pinkish, the cold sunset of California started to illuminate his desk room in a yellowish/orangish color. He smiled; he liked that about California. The color palette, the atmosphere, it was relaxing sometimes. He went to his Tesla and went to the place Tallulah sent him my message. It was about 5minutes away, so he put the autopilot on and opened the window, breathing deeply. He felt alive.

The wedding, the work, everything in his life put him under stress. There weren't enough moment like this where he could breathe and forget about everything. He looked at the horizon by the window and smiled before looking at the road. He was almost here.

The place was a big house, isolated from the city but not that far. It looked like a normal city house but.. a little bigger. It wasn't a manor, nor a castle, just a big house. A big mid-century modern house in the wood. It was so cozy. They were no internet, no network, nothing. It seemed so peaceful.

"Hi! Hm.. Elon? Is that it?" A soft voice said, and a tall and skinny woman came at him, wearing legging and a sports t-shirt. She was blond, hair tied in a bun, exactly like he imagined her.

"Yeah, it's me! Nice to meet you!" He said, handing her his hand. She smiled and shook his hand.

"I'm Morfée, thanks for calling me. So, come in!" She said, coming to the house. It was spacious, very modern, very new, it was.. cute. "Have you danced in the past?"

"No.. It's my first time. It's.. intimidating." He said, looking at her. She smiled, making a sign to tell him to follow her.

"Why do you want to dance now?" She said, walking down the stairs to a spacious basement. It had a wooden floor, a mirror everywhere on the walls, dancing bars, a desk, a big tv, and a radio.

"I'm getting married and I'd like to make my fiancée proud, dancing is one of her passion. I want her to be happy." He said, looking strangely at everything in this room.

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