Chapter 1

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The A team- Ed Sheeran

NOTE: All of this story is made up by me. if any of it is true it is a complete concidence.


im adrienne and im part of a pretty crazy family.

Both of my parents died when i was 7 in an airplane accident.  I was taken in by my grandparents since they lived in america while the rest of my family lived in Austrailia. When my grandpa got really sick, that were booth put in a retirement home. I then had two choices. I could live with my distant cousin in london or move to austrailia with my aunt, and three cousins that i have never met. Ive heard storys about my aunt and uncles split, but our family never had the money to travel there.

So the summer when i turned 8 i moved to austrailia. I became very close to lauren who was a bit younger than me. Ashton was like the older brother i never had. I had lived with them for so long we call each other siblings. Ashton moved away from home to join a band with three younger boys. They were all a little bit older than me. My aunt was not very happy about this.

When 5 seconds of summer sighned to open for popular boy band One Direction, Ash was estatic. I remember when he called to tell us. He was screaming so loud that we could barely even here him. But anne marie was happy, thats all ash ever wanted, to make his family happy.

I was so greatful that they took me in even with three kids already and only a single parent.

Its 2013 right now and the 1D tour is almost over. Many people think that i get to go see all of the show with my brother but i dont. i barely ever see him and suprisingly ive never met the band. but that is about to change. ash is bringing the whole band to our house to meet us.

I hop in the shower before i meet them. I get out and brush my hair. im a pretty casual girl and i almost never do anything yo my hair but today i decide im going to straighten it. I have long dirty blonde hair just like ashtons. im 3 years younger than him and only his cousin but people mistake us for twins. I apply some concealer on my face and some mascara on my eyes.

I put on a short yellow skirt on and a longsleeved navy blue cartigan on over my tanktop. I put on some over the knee socks and some high heeled knee high boots. i grab my purse and my phone and head out.  Im 16 so i can drive to the airport a little early to go to the bookstore.

after i buy a couple of books i head to the airport. to be honest i am scared to death of meeting the band, what if they dont like me?

all of these thoughts immediatly leave my mind when i see ash and three other boys walking my way.  ashton spots me and smiles. I drop my phone in my seat and run to him just like i do every time i see him. i fling my hands around his neck and hug him. he lifts me off my feet and swings me around.

"I missed you so much addie." he says.

i didnt even think twice of the tall, blonde, blue eyed hair boy stairing at me.


well theres the first chapter! i may update later today so stay tuned!

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