Chapter V ~ Toby

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I felt my blood run cold as I recognized the Cane Corso Mastiff that had attacked us. Physically fighting the tears as they filled my eyes, threatening to spill down my face like a middle school bully victim. No, I couldn't let myself cry, I haven't cried in public since 8th grade. Not in front of Evren especially. God forbid he knows I actually have feelings.

"Evren, stop! Don't you dare hurt her," I yelled out once I found my voice. This dog attacking us. She was my pet, Bella. Well, when she was alive that is... I was the one who found her lifeless body in the hallway.

I got lost in the memory of that night. The uncontrolled sobbing, the aching in my chest, my (probably undeserved) hatred towards my parents. They knew it would be her last night and they didn't even have the decency to tell me. I never got a proper goodbye...

"Do you even know what this thing is?" Evren spat heartlessly. Actually, yes I do Mr. KnowItAll. She was a loyal dog and the only living thing I could find comfort in, she didn't deserve whatever happened to her.

"What do you mean by 'this thing'?" I retorted, shooting a glare in Evren's direction, probably sounding defensive. Bella's death was a little over a month ago, it was still a sensitive subject for me. I did my best to hold myself together. Evren didn't need to see me have an emotional breakdown, nor did I have to time to do so.

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. It was probably crazy, but if it worked I might actually have something to look forward to when I'm awake. I knelt down, extending an empty hand towards the large Mastiff to show I wasn't a threat.

"Bella?" I say softly, slowly inching closer to my childhood friend, "it's me Bella..."

Before I could get a reaction from my dog, two people ran up to us as if they were trying to keep up with Bella. They were dressed ready for a hunt.

"What the hell did you do to my dog!?" I yelled, furiously. I know I probably jumped to conclusions, but why else would they be chasing my dog? Cane Corsos are sometimes used as hunting dogs.

The two people just stayed silent. It would be an understatement if I said it kind of pissed me off when they ignored me. I've been ignored my whole life, it made me absolutely furious.

One of the hunters finally responded with a nauseating laugh. This is my best friend we're talking about, and for this guy to take it as a joke really set me off. I stormed right up to the two hunters, demanding an actual response.

"I'll ask you again, what did you-" I started before the breath was suddenly yanked from my lungs. It probably seemed like it hurt more than it actually did from an outside perspective. I've been punched before so it's not like this is a new experience, but that didn't stop the natural reaction of gasping for air.

"Hey! Why'd you do that? He didn't even touch you!" Evren called from his place a few feet away.

That really set me off, I was raised with a philosophy of 'if someone hits you, hit back harder'. That's exactly what I planned to do. I recovered from the hit and balled my hand into a tight fist. I drew my hand back, more than ready to slug this guy, but I was stopped by two hands grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away from my opponents. Every muscle in my body tensed, trying to escape Evren's grip so I could beat the hunters to a pulp. Evren was obviously against that plan.

"Back up! Stop! Truce!" He called out before I could protest him holding me back. That was all Evren had to say like he didn't completely think through his plan. As the hard-headed, stubborn person I am, I chose to ignore what he said completely and go back to getting answers.

"What did you do to my dog!? Let her go!" I demanded as loud as I could, which honestly wasn't that loud. My voice is naturally quiet, so even at my full volume, it's not exactly loud. I felt Evren's grip on my arm tighten, probably trying to hold me back. I was about to break from Evren's hold when I finally got an answer. Although, it's not what I wanted to hear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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