Chapter nine: Alexa

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The news is on in Alaric's office. His professional name is Dr. Saltzman, so that's what I call him.

A reporter interviews different parents and mine comes on. They're crying because it's believed that I'm dead. Brian turnt himself in saying that he killed me. The reason was because he got drunk and I wouldn't drink with him. It shocks me and everyone else in the room. That's why he broke up with me. I knew it wasn't because he hated me, but he must've meant the things he said. There's no way that was a lie, but his intentions were pure.

"I need to step outside." Everyone gives me the space I needs while I'm walking. The school is huge. It's as beautiful as all the kids at Mystic Falls High described it.

Water fountains, green grass, crisp air, and clean blue water. The only thing they left out was that kids can turn to wolves or move things with their mind or suck your blood. Everyone back home thinks that this where rich kids go because their parents don't want them to be corrupted by society. In the month that I've been woke, the students in town have destroyed several things belonging to this school.

At first it didn't matter to me. It was a possibility that the kids here were snobby and selfish, but last night proved them wrong. Without them I would've been actually dead. No fake deaths, no possibility of going back home. Those werewolves would've torn me to pieces without a doubt.

There's a bench somewhat far from the school. It's in the middle of the sun. A name is on it.

"Alexa." That's who everyone is confusing me for. Whoever she was, she was important. This Alexa girl mattered to them. Hopefully I'll matter to them too because it seems like I'll be stuck here for a while.

Something growls in the forest. There's nothing but trees surrounding me. I'm sitting on the bench, but stand up as soon as I hear that sound. It wouldn't be smart to just sit around waiting to see what it is, so I run away.

The school door is not the far from where I'm at, but the person grabs me. It starts to bite my neck making me yell. The fangs from the person are extremely sharp and painful. Vampire.

"Someone help!" The vampire is too strong to run away from. As it sucks more and more of my blood my vision is getting blurry. The ground seems to shake underneath me and the vampire holds me as I'm falling to the ground.

"Hope!" Fear rises inside of me as I'm panicking more now. On the ground a pack of sticks lay on the floor. I grab one and stab the vampire in the neck. It winces and lets go of me.

Another stick is in my hand and in its chest before it can get back up. Hope and another girl runs toward me. They see the vampire on the floor laying still.

The brunette catches her breath. "Guess you didn't need our help after all." She laughs and hugs me. "I'm Josie. You are... Michelle right?"

"Yeah. Does that mean that the vampire is dead? I killed it?" Hope shakes her head a little while Josie runs over to grab the body.

"Heart is the key. You okay?" She tries to grab my arm, but I move laughing.

"I'm great. Sure I just tried to kill a creature but it was either them or me. Also a human defeated a vampire. They're supposed to be the strongest things in the world. How pathetic."

Hope shakes her head laughing as I laugh too. She looks at the vampire and so do I. Josie is using magic to cover up the body.

"It's good you have that mindset: either you or them. Always keep it and always choose yourself. No matter who it is."

My vision gets a little blurry and I grab my head feeling dizzy. Whatever that vampire gave me made me feel weak. Hope catches me as I fall.

"Here drink this. You're bleeding out." She bites her wrist and holds it over my mouth. For a moment I look at her weirdly, but eventually I give in and drink her blood.

Me and Hope are sitting outside on the grass. She says that sometimes it helps her stay calm and that might be what I need now. She's telling me everything about her life, and it makes me understand why she's so caring. Everyone around her have been so selfless and that's all she knows.

"Wait so if you graduated last year why are still here? Not that it's a problem because your my favorite person here."

" I help Dr. Saltzman a lot. That's why I'm able to stay in my old room." She says with a smile and checks her phone. "Speaking of which he needs help with something. I'll walk you back in."

Lizzie and Josie are in the main room when we walk in. They tell Hope that they'll watch me while she helps Alaric.

"Guys I really don't need a babysitter. Is Hope like this with new students?"

Lizzie smiles at me and flicks her eyes to Josie. "Nope. You're special to her, Michelle. The only one she likes which means that we are at your service."

There isn't thing else that they can help me with. They've already gave me a place to sleep, food, clothes, and protection. The only thing I want is to check on my parents.

"Actually there is something. I can't go out because I'm supposed to be dead but can you guys check on my parents? Maybe bring them a basket of food, please. I'll help Hope and your dad."

Lizzie scoffs. "You're just a human. Nothing you can do will help."

She says it playfully but it comes across as rude. Josie elbows her and Lizzie realizes that was kind of rude. "No offense."

"None taken. Besides if you haven't heard, I killed a vampire. Pretty sure I can take on whatever is to come next."

Lizzie and Josie goes to pack the basket for my parents. They said that the only thing they'll talk about is my parents and their feelings. Nothing about me being alive and nothing about this school. It's the only way to keep them safe.

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